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Subject: Re: Amazing

A !
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Date Posted: 13:32:33 02/09/05 Wed
Author Host/IP: host213-122-160-122.in-addr.btopenworld.com/
In reply to: "Jo" 's message, "Amazing" on 15:37:28 01/23/05 Sun

Hi! Joe. I have to agree with your "Rose, Michael,John, Mandy, Buck, Dorothy, Freddie, Accounts, Court, case, Tee Hee, Ho Ho Ho, Alfred. OR SHOULD I SAY "Dean Duncan" yes all of these names are her there must only be less than a dozen people placing the nastiness on this site" statement, with the exception of "Michael".
But you missed "Doll, VERA, ???, Peter, Mrs Milner, Paul, Your a Joke, Truthful, WOW, Jean", alias Jean Duncan, and there's probably more. There are other persons who may have more aliases, who have also been duped by the above, but why the snide remark about Kevin West?
I have never met or spoken to Kevin West, and I think that you are inferring that he is responsible for this website, and if he is "Dai Sadsac", "the compulsory email + IP hosts" are to be commended. These messages can now be more factual and real, an essential element when looking for the "truth".
It can be a good site now with everyone's positive constructive input, and views. An ounce of help is worth a ton of criticism. Though the recipient may not see it that way, especially if the ego gets hurt or in the way, or they feel uncomfortable, and sometimes they throw the message out because of the messenger.
Please remember no one person is all bad. I hope the least that happens is the problem between Kevin and you, is sorted out privately, or you agree to "disagree" with no bad feelings. Would that be "spiritual" and not "Spiritual"? However good luck. L&L.A !...

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Re: AmazingA !
00:18:24 03/21/05 Mon
For Mr MazeWould be student
16:37:48 05/04/05 Wed

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