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Subject: Re: Worried Men

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Date Posted: 17/07/06 6:07pm
In reply to: Waldorf 's message, "Worried Men" on 14/07/06 4:12pm

I have to admit I thought it went pear shaped when they turned it down. I have heard louder bands than that play at the club before. There has not been complaints about Worried men before. Thou to be fair I think the set was more heavier set than usual. The thing that I notice is most of the people that did complain, left after or during the first number of the second half, leaving us who liked it listening to the watered down version.
I noticed Jamie did not seem to be his normal upbeat self when he was setting up. When they came on he did not seem to be doing his normal banter with the crowds and no mention of the lovely Yvonne. so I suspose asking him to turn it right down was the straw that broke the camels back.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Worried MenTom Clode17/07/06 7:08pm
    Re: Worried MenAnnie18/07/06 11:14am

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