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Date Posted: 10:36:14 10/08/04 Fri
Author: jamelah
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Subject: i wouldn't know since i'm not a NY gal.
In reply to: vlad 's message, "A shrew into gerbils? Whoa, you NY gals are wild, baby....." on 09:51:44 10/08/04 Fri

Dear Vlad,

And here I was hoping that it was like an episode of Green Acres. Fie for shame.

In any case, I get your argument and I think it's weak. It's ridiculous to assume that all readers are going to think that the I in a story or poem is the writer -- even though that is probably the natural reaction -- and therefore first person characters are not viable in an online medium. Of course, maybe I think that because I've read Macbeth AND A Rose for Emily.


>Dear Jammmmy,
>Goth or no goth, it's dark 'n creepy, but phunn n'
>kitchy too! Sort of like Raymond Carver meets the
>Munsters, or an episode of Bewitched, but you need to
>add some cool supernatural stuff. And what about that
>handsome beer bottle? Late night, alone, horny,
>mmmmmmmmm, as they say in chatville....
>As far as creating personas in first person (but not
>intending them to really be you), I think that works
>on paper (Faulkner often wrote in that fictional first
>person mode) but I am not sure if it does online,
>especially at LK where readers/posters/staff are
>unlikely to have made it through A Rose for Emily OR
>Macbeth.....You're in American Urban Nightmare 300,
>and most of them haven't made it through Intro. to
>Nonetheless, though you write a kick-ass epidode of
>Bewitched, you, like the moron that runs LK, wouldn't
>know a decent argument (or logic-driven non-fiction)
>if it was, well, a beer bottle resting temptingly in
>your fridge.
>Ta ta,

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