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Date Posted: 23:49:05 10/19/04 Tue
Author: and I could really care less about the website
Author Host/IP:
Subject: it's the incident itself
In reply to: knip 's message, "i guess the other thing" on 23:25:17 10/19/04 Tue

and it's "history". So what? What about the website and its purpose? Wasn't the PURPOSE free exchange of ideas?

Even if it WASN'T the purpose, I AM FOR FREE EXCHANGE OF IDEAS, and that can't happen if petty personal differences are allowed to stand in the way. Whoever is running that website can kiss my ass. Especially and specifically if he excludes articulate, expressive and valuable contributors like LRD and DP because he SIMPLY DOESN'T LIKE THEM. If he does that, then he defeats his own purpose and espouses somebody else's. Who is he working for? He has to think about his own values a lot more seriously than he's done, at least. If he cares about anything important, then he needs to lay aside his feelings about individuals and start thinking about the whole human race instead. Sorry if this sounds trite.

We all need to TALK. TOGETHER. It should have nothing to do with one person's spontaneous emotional feelings. Unfortunately, all this IS ABOUT is one person's spontaneous emotional feelings. He's excluding others on that same basis. I protest. I protest. I protest. We all need to be heard, if this world is to become whole. I should not be able to exclude you because I don't like you, and vice-versa. Come on. When was this ever OK? Only in the shameful world of NOW. when MIGHT rules and right is nothing.

>i want to ask, is where does the 'coward' label come
>does this have something to do with the fact that i
>was away for a week? hardly justification for
>accusations of cowardice
>or does it have to do with my sparring with volt last
>week? exactly how that translates to cowardice is
>beyond me
>fact is, i say who i am, and stand by what i say....so
>i need to know
>how am i a coward?

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