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Welcome to the Tagudinians Message Board hosted by Seaside Park!

This message board is for all Tagudinians from all parts of the world. Non-Tagudinians are also welcomed. Feel free to post your greetings, announcements, news and other relevant topics related to our beloved town Tagudin. Use English, Ilocano, or Tagalog.

To post a new message: Click Post A New Message from the menu above the logo or use the form at the bottom of the page.
When replying: In the reply form, please type your message in the subject box and leave the message box blank. The header box is able to hold 1000 characters. The message box is for new post only. If your reply is long, start a new message. Click anywhere on the reply messages to response to the messages.
To post an image such as a photo: Type the format <img src="http://www.imagelocation.com/image.jpg"> and replace the www.imagelocation.com and image.jpg with the address where your image is located and the name of the image. You could also email the moderator to post your photos for you. Please resize large photos prior to posting and try to limit photos so the MB would load faster.
Please review your message before hitting the send button. Offensive, obscene and indecent messages will not be approved. Valid name and e-mail address are required. Thank you.
Archived messages can be seen by clicking the Archives from the menu above the logo.

Komusta kayo. Sapay koma ta nasiyaat latta iti biag dita ayan yo a disso iti lubong. Many of us who have gone abroad or have moved to other places in the Philippines are probably homesick and eager to know what is happening in our town and to our friends and relatives in Tagudin and elsewhere so for this in mind, I've created this message board for I thought that this would be a great medium in bringing us together and in getting us reacquainted and closer to our hometown of Tagudin. Please make yourself at home here in this message board. Our fellow Tagudinians would be delighted to hear from you through your postings. Take good care.


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