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Date Posted: 01/11/05 8:53pm
Author: Andring Ladi President of Tagudinians of Northern California
Subject: Scholarship for needy Tagudinian kids
In reply to: Paul L. Villanueva 's message, "Tagudin On The March (continuation)" on 01/ 9/05 9:27am

I am all for helping our needy Tagudinian kids to attend SAS and to alleviate the overcrowding in our public schools. Just like what my counterpart RN (Retired Navy) Rening Dauz said, that putting some students from TPHS to SAS would not solve the problem but transfering the overcrowding issue. May I suggest that we build schoolrooms to accomodate the over-crowding and hire more teachers? We in the US and all the Tagudinians abroad who are fortunate to have a better life can make this happen. I am not a rich man because I still have some of my kids depend on me but I can pledge one year of tuition to any deserving student to go to SAS. I ask all SAS alumni to pledge the same as a minimum, to achieve this scholarship effort. Let us all muster our efforts and resources to support the idea of Manong Tom Buenavista. As we say in the submarine service, YOGA, YOGA, let's do it.

Hello to Paul Villanueva, Nomen Canoza Aragon, Oping Galang, my brother Fel and sister-in-law Cora, to my cousin Fely Lardizabal Villarde and to all my townmates and relatives.

Thanks also to the officers and members of the Tagudinians of Northern California who attended the meeting. I count on your support. Together we we can do it.

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