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Date Posted: 07/22/04 8:20am
Author: Elven
Subject: .:Princess in Hiding:.
In reply to: Aliéné 's message, ":-::Reunions Again::-:" on 07/22/04 12:42am

For Elven, the raid had remained uneventful, her only altercation ending in bitter dispute. Now she was once again a silent denizen of the lush forest, hiding her grulla form away from prying eyes and hateful words. Her wounds had begun to heal, the jagged pieces of her heart held together by oozing scabs that still threatened to give way. Broken, but not destroyed, she had resumed her position as patroller and even now, had spotted an unfamiliar figure. Dark eyes were intent beneath a shaggy unkempt forelock, Elven's gaze fixed upon the young stallion. Feathered fulcrums propelled her chassis in his direction as deep vocalizations were emitted.

.:Can I help you?:. she asked, her voice as emotionless as that carefully guarded gaze. The tight pronunciation of each word suggested that the mare wasn't so much interested in assisting the stallion as she was in finding out who he was. Between Evil raids and the mystery surrounding the Exodus, it was hard to tell what threats were presented to the Light horses. Either way, Elven had proved time and again to be the first line of defense. With all else crumbled around her, the valkyrie clung to the only thing she had left--her duty.

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