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Date Posted: 22:48:18 10/25/06 Wed
Author: Sara
Subject: >>
In reply to: Jon 's message, ">>" on 22:36:59 10/25/06 Wed

Her hazel eyes locked on his with his final statement, nodding just ever so slightly after a few moments reflection. He was right... and perhaps he understood a little of what ate her inside, what devoured her heart and soul and seemed invisible to everyone around her- perhaps he heard her screams when everyone else just saw her pretty face and friendly smile. Her attention was grabbed by the group of girls that crowded her, suffocated her. Her soulful eyes tried to peer through them to remain locked on him but eventually, in vain, they gave up, glancing down to her fresh sheet of paper as she vaguely answered some of the questions thrown at her. Gossip here spread like wild fire and it seemed everyone knew that she had ended her perfect relationship with the most popular guy in school. Some of them were cooing over her and discussing how heartbreaking it must have been as if she wasn;t even there, some of them were just stroking her hair and holding her arm, asking if she was okay, while others were telling her she was stupid- and who would she go to the dance on Friday with now. She doubted she would even attend- though proceeds did go to charity and it would be a shame to put that beautiful black dress to waste. Someone might ask her... and if not, she could always go alone. She was just holding her breath and praying for Mr Ackart to call everyone to their seats to start the class, so she could have some space and think, submerse herself in medieval literature and forget all the things that bothered her in this time and place.

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