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Date Posted: 05:51:25 12/15/04 Wed
Author: Tony Lang
Subject: Re: NFL Europe
In reply to: Chris 's message, "Re: NFL Europe" on 12:09:07 12/14/04 Tue

There was an attempt to form an American football league in Britain probably into the teens of years ago but nothing became of it.
The only European sport that is vaguely similar to it is rugby union. The differences being that it is played without the fancy dress, and players are not allowed to pass or throw the ball forward. The goal posts are the same shape, but the kicker stays on the pitch all the time and takes part in the game. Teams have fifteen players per side, except in a different version called rugby league where there are only thirteen. There seems to me to be a similar amout of agression involved, suprisingly more injuries are reported proportionally in soccer. Femail rugby is making a start like female soccer. It happens from time to time that players shorts get ripped off, so most men naturally are too embarrassed to watch female rugby.
In the past rugby union was considered a gentlemans game.
It used to be said that rugby was a hooligans game played by gentlemen, and soccer was a gentlemans game played by hooligans.
Cricket has very little in common with baseball, and it can only be played if there is fine weather. As it usually tends to rain during cricket matches here I believe that cricket had pagan origins as a rain making ceromony.

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