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Subject: international players

TIM Nice but dim
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Date Posted: 06:46:06 09/06/02 Fri
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

I was Browsing the WRU Chat page to day when I saw an entry about having provincial teams with this at the bottom
we will adapt to the new system, Do we really miss Maesteg/ Newbridge/Penarth/South Wales Police/ Pontypool all former top flight teams.
Who is this Idiot Trying to kid of course we miss the like of these old First Class Clubs if we didn't Welsh rugby would still be in the state it was back in the 60's and 70's and early 80's.
these were the good old days when players were picked from a choice of almost 20 clubs meaning it really was an achievemnt to play for wales. Now adays the team is picked from the premiership which has 9 teams of these two are caerphilly and Ebw who don't get a look cos they aren't good enough. Neath and ponty aren't considered cos they aren't ritch enough clubs. Newport just haven't got any eligible Welsh players this leaves us with 4 clubs to pick from. only really the starting 15 are good enough to play international level meaningeach of these 4 clubs can only really produce 10 or 12 players who are eligible to play for Wales due to forigners this means the Welsh Squad of about 30 players can only be picked from 40 players due to the wru not wanting to let anyone into their little circle. This means that if your welsh and play for cardiff you Swansea Bridgend or llanelli you have a 75% chance of getting in the Welsh Squad and getting a Cap with the way we substitute the entire team with 2 miniiutes to go now. where can the pride in getting to play for wales come from when this is the case. Provincial sides would be better as all teams locally could have some players who leave the club scene for a couple of weeks a year to play for the province the international side would then be picked from these players who would without doubt be the best players from the area but from lots of different clubs giving us a much broader set of players from which to pick our national side. sorry to have gone on a bit but that Idiot wound me up i have posted a similar reply on the WRU web site but it'll never get passed the moderator

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