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Date Posted: 13:28:02 09/12/02 Thu
Author Host/IP: host62-7-70-167.in-addr.btopenworld.com/

According to today's Western Mail, the WRU wrote to all clubs about the "possible" restructure of the game and the PREMIER league. Nothing new there you might say. However, the letter was circulated on 29 August 2002, 1 day before the new season started. Essentially, this means that they can avoid being sued for any proposed restructure of the PREMIER league. (We all know that the Wizards case is ongoing).

Now Im confused,the CLUBS voted against a reduction of the number of clubs and play-offs at the EGM. So what has changed? Can a restructure be passed without the majority of clubs supporting it?

We are only 2 games into the season and this is again being talked about. Could this season be another anti-climax for the Div 1 winners? Thoughts please, particularly from the Club.

Most of you, like me, support this club because we want to get back in the big time. Purely selfish, maybe. After 7 seasons out of the top league, I cling to that hope. If its taken away, what's the point?

The game needs restructuring, but not to the advantage of the chosen 4 or 5. Without aspirations, the number of clubs and players for the national league will dwindle.

You can have your Celtic League, home and away, with perhaps 4 or 5 Welsh teams, but there has to be promotion and relegation to a vibrant Welsh premier league.

For Christ sake, Newport don't play Saturdays anymore !!

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