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Subject: Immunity | |
Author: Hussein Khan-Bey [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 04:49:32 12/07/04 Tue Yes there is a wasy to strenthen out immunity, just by eateing certain nutritious foods, or jus jus eating alot, of calcium,or protein.I excercise i drink or eat things that are vitammin D or Vitamin C, thats how i strenthen my immune system.You are supposed to take over your immune system, your not supposed to have your immune system take over you [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: How do you take over your immune system? | |
Author: Ms. Fleming [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 07:30:42 12/09/04 Thu I would like to know how you take over your immune system. I like the idea, but I would like to know how. Fill me in. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
Subject: ![]() |
Author: Rasheed aka Radel aka Beany Weany aka Slim,Thin, andTiny [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 20:42:10 12/06/04 Mon The ways to take care your immune system is to dress for the weather, keep clean, take the drugs that your doctor perscribes for you. You can't give just anybody your blood because y'all might not be the same blood type. Especially if your pregnant because that's the only time when you need negative or positive blood. The antibodies will fight any other blood cell except the one that is naturally produced because every other blood type is a pathogon. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: Pathogens | |
Author: Ms. Fleming [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 07:32:12 12/09/04 Thu You are right; anything foreign is a pathogen. I'm glad you understand the concept. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
Subject: get your blood up | |
Author: Justin Ashe [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 13:24:44 12/07/04 Tue You can get your blood up by taken in different Vitamins and minerals. I heard u can also drink cran-berry juice to get your blood up. o yeah and the first black man who discovery blood tranfusion was Charles R.Drew. EASY Ms Fleming [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: Easy, huh? | |
Author: Ms. Fleming [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 07:25:21 12/09/04 Thu [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: ![]() |
Author: Ms. Fleming [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 07:28:25 12/09/04 Thu If this was so easy, I expect you to do all the ones that follow and do them well. You did this one well, even though you left out a few things. Good job anyway. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
Subject: ![]() |
Author: Rasheed aka Radel aka Beany Weany aka Slim,Thin, andTiny [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 20:22:33 12/06/04 Mon [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
Subject: ![]() |
Author: Rasheed aka Radel aka Beany Weany aka Slim,Thin, andTiny [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 19:42:43 12/06/04 Mon The ways you could strengthen your immune system are bundle up when it's cold outside,keep clean, and don't take drugs that the doctor didn't perscribe for you. I know people say precaution is the best prevention. In many cases that is true but it could be dangerious with medicine because what if you're trying to prevent one sickness and catch another. The medicine could either work with you or against you. so the best thing to do when you get sick is to see the doctor because you don't know what's happening in your body. Some people get sick more than others because some people have a weak immune system and others have strongones. It's not your fault if you have a weak immune system because some people are born with weak immune system. All that means is that you have to be extra careful. I'm not saying that people with strong immune systems should take caution because there in just the same risk as catching the same sickness. No not just anyboby can give you blood For example: A TYPE people can only receive from people with A or O type blood and it can donate blood to blood types A and AB AB TYPE people can receive from every blood type but only give to AB O TYPE people can recieve from only O type blood but give to every blood type B TYPE people can receive from blood types O and B, and give to AB and B. Unleast your pregnant it doesn't matter if your blood is rich or not. If you are pregnant and your A positive then you need A positive blood because your baby may come out deformed. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
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Author: Raymond "Supa producer" Erazo [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 13:17:00 12/06/04 Mon there are many different ways that you can strengthen your immunity. If you take your health seriously you can stay healthy for a long period of time. Many people get sick before others because their immune system is weak. people can strengthen their immunity by taking vitamins and exercising. Many people get into accidents everyday and during that time they will need blood transfussion. There are thousands of people out in the world with the same type as blood as you thats why donating blood is a good thing because you can help many. Many people think that blood transfussions is a bad thing, some say that it may be against there religion. Dr. Charles R. Drew was one of the first black people to discover blood transfussion. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
Subject: Immunity System | |
Author: C. Anderson [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 16:54:25 12/06/04 Mon You can strengthen your immunity system by doing mainly everyday activities.You should do something to calm you down like listening to music.You should always be positive in yourself. There are people who get sick more because of their blood types. If your type AB then you're most likely to get sick because you have no antibodies. You can't get any blood tranfusion because if you have a different blood type then another person, that person's blood will affect your blood, killing you.The first black person who discovered blood transfusions was Charles Drew. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
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Author: TYRON SHAW [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 20:22:26 12/05/04 Sun I know ways to get ur immunity stonger. One way is by gettin alot of vitamin c because it helps your immune system prevent colds. You can also do basic things like having a proper nutritiion and excercising. Some people get sicker faster or more than others because they have weaker immune systems. They probly dont get enough vitamin c or have bad nutiriton habits. Donating blood is a nice thing to do and shows how kind people can be. It is important because some people have illnesses that infect their blood and need uninfected blood in order to live. If you're in the hospital about to go under the knife, "you can't get just any ole' blood transfusion" because there is different blood types(a b ab o) If u get the wrong type of blood your messed up. Your blood type has to be determined and then you get matched with the right type of blood. SO IF YOUR BLOOD IS::: AB you can get blood from anybody but cant give blood to anybody O you can give blood to anybody but can only recieve blood from another O A you can only get blood from another A or O B you can only get blood from another B or O One religion i know that doesnt agree with blood transfusions are Jehovas witnesses. They believe that taking blood into one’s body, even one’s own stored blood is against (Jehovah) God’s law. The first black man to discover a blood transfusion was Dr Charles Drew [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
Subject: Dat Work | |
Author: Marc " Mack 10" Peterson [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 20:15:12 12/05/04 Sun They are various ways to strengthen your immune system. According to my sister (since she is a nurse) she told me they best way is to eat alot of foods with good sources of Vitamin A,C, and E. To execrise alot and to also stay away from greasy foods like McDonalds that have high chloestrol and to drink 8 glasses of water. The more cholestrol you eat the heart starts to work harder. The first black man to discover blood transfusions was Charles R Drew. It is important to give blood because you have to be thoughful of people who need blood and one day you might need it. I cant have any type of blood beacuse I have O type blood. Which means i can give my blood to A,B, and A/B but i cant receive from those types i can only receive from people who have O type blood. They are 3 types of religions that are aganist blood transfusions. THe Jewish, the jovahs witnesses, and the Muslim. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
Subject: Get ur Blood up | |
Author: LaDell King [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 20:13:44 12/05/04 Sun There are many ways u can strenghen ur immunity 1.u can take vitamens 2 u can eat healthy 3 ur immuntiy can allready be strong and u can take medacations to help ur immunity to get stringer. People get sick easier then other people is because their immunity system is weaker then the other person.IT is important to give blood because oter people could be in a bad shape and they need blood and if u give the blood u would save a person's life.You cant get just any blood because ur immunity system will fight the blood thats going in ur body. for instant if ur O type that will be good forpeople for that s being the rearest type. I think the type of religion that does not favor blood difussions is Catholic. Dr.Charles R Drew [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
Subject: Immunity | |
Author: Ben Sims [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 19:24:14 12/05/04 Sun Yes, it is possible to strenghthen our immunity. A person's eating habits, diet, and exercise can determine the status and strength of one's immunity. Other ways of having a strong immune system are good sources of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C. It is important to give blood to others because that will determine whether a person will live or die. It is not appropriate for someone to get any type of blood transfusion because of religious beliefs, backgrounds, and teachings. Charles R. Dew was the first black man to discover blood transfusions. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
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Author: kaasym brown baby shaq [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 14:27:13 12/05/04 Sun my immunity is pretty strong becouse i am healthy according to the doctor and i workout. about eight million people donate blood each year,about 15 million people needed blood in 2001.Blood transfusions are often needed for trauma victims like burn victims, heart surgery,organ transplants and leukemia treatment patients, the need for blood continues to increase.The average person person to donate blood is a white middle age male, but the minority numbers are steadily increasing,a person can also donate blood to themselves called autologous(my 7th grade teacher does this). Theeligible age to donate blood is seven teen you have to pass the required phyisical examination prior to the donation, in some states donors can be younger but need parental concent. The people who cant donate must have done one of the followngAnyone who has ever used intravenous drugs (illegal IV drugs) Men who have had sexual contact with other men since 1977 Anyone who has ever received clotting factor concentrates Anyone with a positive antibody test for HIV (AIDS virus) Men and women who have engaged in sex for money or drugs since 1977 Anyone who has had hepatitis since his or her eleventh birthday Anyone who has had babesiosis or Chagas disease Anyone who has taken Tegison for psoriasis Anyone who has risk factors for Crueutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) or who has an immediate family member with CJD Anyone who has risk factors for vCJD Anyone who spent three months or more in the United Kingdom from 1980 through 1996 Anyone who has spent five years in Europe from 1980 to the present. Apheresis is is the process of removing a specific component of the blood, such as platelets, and returning the remaining components, such as red blood cells and plasma, to the donor. The commor blood types areO Rh-positive --- 38 percent O Rh-negative --- 7 percent A Rh-positive --- 34 percent A Rh-negative --- 6 percent B Rh-positive --- 9 percent B Rh-negative --- 2 percent AB Rh-positive --- 3 percent AB Rh-negative --- 1 percent (ps the person who came up with the idea of the b. traansfusion is antoine mayrey of 1667) (you better like this or its going to be problems [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: ![]() |
Author: Ms. Fleming [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 17:43:31 12/05/04 Sun Nice going with the stats on the %blood types. I didn't know that O+ was so popular. You did a lot of work on this but you left us wondering what a few things were, like Chagus. What is that? Help us out. Whenever you're doing any research, try to answer all possible questions. Otherwise, wonderful work. I'm happy! [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
Subject: Immunity | |
Author: Mervin pinney [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 15:02:40 12/05/04 Sun Yes,There is a way to strengthen your immunity. One way is to have enough vitamin C, drink six to eight glasses of a day and take one tablet of 16-24 minerals a day. Some people get sick easier than others because some are weaker than other and Helper T cell - Turns T cells and B cells on. 2. Suppressor T cell - calls off the fight after an immune response has successfully repelled an invasion. 3. Natural Killer Cell - Attacks and destroys other cells by puncturing their cell membranes. Killer cells will attack our own body cells if they have been taken over by antigens. Killer cells prowl around our bodies looking for abnormalities, like cancer cells, and destroy them. It is so important to give blood because some person or people need your blood to survive. You can't get just any ole' blood transfusion because if you are a bloodtype A and a bloodtype B give you blood the different bloodtype will fight eachother and then die. Jehovah witnesses does nt favor blood transfusion. Charles R.Drew was the first Black man who discovered Blood Transfusions. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: ![]() |
Author: Ms. Fleming [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 17:40:16 12/05/04 Sun I think you meant to write 8 glasses of water. How much do you drink. And why is water so important? Fill us in. Nice write up by the way. Keep up the good work Pinney and I'm proud of you. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
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Author: Rodney Bailey [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 17:19:26 12/05/04 Sun Ms Flemming there are many ways to improve our immune system they are taking certain vitamins and eating certain foods for properties in them increase the chemicals aspects of us which protect us from pathogens they are as follows: 1. Vitamin C - Vitamin C supplements are inexpensive to produce, and it's available naturally in many fruits and vegetables. Also, you can buy a vitamin-C version of anything. Vitamin C increases the production of infection fighting white blood cells and antibodies and increases levels of interferon, the antibody that coats cell surfaces, preventing the entry of viruses. Vitamin C reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by raising levels of HDL (I talked about HDL in the last voy forum) cholesterol while lowering blood pressure and interfering with the process by which fat is converted to plaque in the arteries. People whose diets are higher in vitamin C have lower rates of colon, prostate, and breast cancer. 2. Vitamin E. - Vitamin E stimulates the production of natural killer cells, those that seek out and destroy germs and cancer cells. Vitamin E enhances the production of B-cells, the immune cells that produce antibodies that destroy bacteria. Vitamin E may also reverse some of the decline in immune response seen in old people. Vitamin E has been implicated in lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease. 3. Carotenoids- Beta carotene increases the number of infection-fighting cells, natural killer cells, and helper T-cells, and a powerful antioxidant Ms Flemming. Like the other "big three" antioxidants, vitamins C and E, it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by interfering with how the fats and cholesterol in the bloodstream oxidize to form arterial plaques. Studies have shown that beta carotene can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially strokes and heart attacks, so a carrot a day can keep you from havin’ heart surgery Ms Flemming. Beta carotene also protects against cancer by stimulating the immune cells called macrophages to produce tumor necrosis factor, which kills cancer cells. It has also been shown that beta carotene supplements can increase the production of T-cell lymphocytes and natural killer cells and can enhance the ability of the natural killer cells to attack cancer cells. Ms Flemming there is various other things that increase our immune system but I don’t want to be hear all day. Ms. Flemming reasons why people may get sicker than other is because they may not have the proper vaccinations to increase there immune system. This may happen when foreigners come to new places they are not use to they type of germs another place has. That is how we got the west Nile virus because of a Middle Eastern man who came to America and passed on insufflates. Another reason is such debilitating diseases such as diabetes which is prevalent among the black community. Also HIV which is killing our race is a disease which reduces the strength of our immune system. In turn that may cause others to get sick easier. Giving blood is important because when you go have surgery we expect our blood type to be there when we lose blood. If there is not we will likely die from loss of blood and u can’t have just have anyone’s blood because if get the wrong type your body will reject and you eventually die. The blood does not only have to be the right type it must be healthy also because blood can also pass over many diseases and pathogens which are harmful. Ms. Flemming there are religions that do not support blood transfusions such as Jehovah Witness, Gypsies, and Shinto are unclear about it but in most Christian religions it is seen as an act of Love. Dr. Charles Drew was the black man to experiment in plasma transfusion but if u want to be technically it wasn't a black man this time because blood transfusion have been going on since 1492 when Pope Innocent VIII had a stroke. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: ![]() |
Author: Ms. Fleming [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 17:36:22 12/05/04 Sun Impressive. I hope you didn't just copy and paste all this stuff. Just kidding! I know you are on top of the game and very detailed. I love how you answer questions. YOu make it clear enough for anyone to understand. Thanks! And nice going with the Pope info. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
Subject: i got dat blood up!!B-) | |
Author: Noel Emanuel [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 17:34:29 12/05/04 Sun 1. There are a couple of ways to strengthen your immunity. One way is to take a lot of vitamins to make your body healthy, vaccines can also improve your immune system because they introduce a virus to your body and the immune system gets stronger because it can protect against one more virus and when you have had a disease or virus your immune system becomes familiar with it and is strong enough to defeat it the next time you get it. 2. People get sick easier than others because their immune system may not be as strong as the other person because they probably haven’t had that disease or virus before and their system isn’t familiar. 3. We give blood so that if another person is sick and needs a blood contribution to regain health or at least to stay alive. 4. We cant get any ole’ blood transfusion because you need if its not the right blood type it would be taken as pathogens. If you are an A blood type you can only get A blood or O, which is the universal doner who can give blood to anyone. You would think you can get blood from a person of AB blood type but you cant because its part B. 5. Jahovas witnesses do not agree with blood transfusions. 6. An English physician William Harvey discovered blood transfusion in 1628. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
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Author: Kevin Haynes [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 12:00:36 12/05/04 Sun There are many antioxidants that strengthen your Immune System such as Vitamins C and E. Also Carotenoids strengthen your immune systems because they produce Lymphocytes. Minerals that do the same are Zinc, Iron, and Selenium. Also A low-fat diet does the same thing. Some people get sicker because there immune system is affected by stress, polluted environments, poor nutrition, stress and drugs. It is important to give blood because people who have had surgery need blood because they do not have enough red blood cells to live and it is a good thing to do. Everyone has a particular blood type that most can not be mixed because they have different cells that do not mix. If they are mixed you will die. The religions that do not believe in blood transfusions are Judaism, Jehovah’s Witness and some mosks of Muslim. The first African American to discover blood transfusion is Dr. Charles Drew. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
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Author: Shaun Oliver [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 11:54:55 12/05/04 Sun You can strenghten your immunity by being vaccinated for varies diseases, eating healthy and taking vitamins. Its important to give blood because some people need it because of a disorder and a person may have been it an accident and need blood. If a person go to get a blood transfusion they need the same blood because if they get a non-compatible blood the body will fight it as if it was a virus. The African American to first discover the blood transfusion is Charles R. Drew. Johava Witnesses forbid blood transfusions. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
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Author: Jovan "Jo" Deare [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 19:03:06 12/04/04 Sat things that can strenghten your immunity is take vitamin c that prevents colds or bad illnesses also eating healthy food and drinking a lot of water which cleans your system. the Immune System works best when it doesn't have to work at all. Some people get sicker than other people because their immune system is weaker and that happens because they don't take care of themselves buy not eating healthy foods that supports your body.It is important to donate blood bacause others are in need of blood and you can help them survive.If you are about to get a blood transfusion you can't get blood from anyone it has to be your blood type like if you are a O blood type you can only recieve blood from anyone.Jehovah witnesses does nt favor blood transfusion. Charles R.Drew was the Black man who discovered Blood transfusions [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
Subject: Immunity and blood transfusion | |
Author: Tristan Wislon [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 15:51:08 12/04/04 Sat There are alot of different ways to make your immune system stronger. You can drink orange juice because of the vitamim C that is in it. You need to have a balance diet and need to know how to take care of yourself. If you dont have enough wbc in your body your immune system can be mess up. It is important to donate blood because a person could be in dire need of it. You would feal good about yourself after you do it. You cant get an ole blood transfusion because the doctors need to know what blood type you are and the donar because if you are A positive you cant recieve blood from a B positive. I dont know what religion is against blood transfusion but what ever religion is they are stupid because blood transfusion can save that persons life. Dr Charles R. Drew was the first black person to discover blood transfusion. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
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Author: Steven "Da Kidd" Strong [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 18:51:44 12/03/04 Fri There are a lot a ways to strengthen immunity. One way to strenghten immunity is to maintain a healthy diet. You should eat foods that have sources of Calcium, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, protein and all the other good minerals.Another way to strengthen immunity is to excercise daily. If you sit on the couch all day and eat nothing but chicken wings and french fries. You will not have a immune system to keep you healthy. However, if you excercise(like me for example)and stay in good physical shape, your immune system will be very strong.Another way to strenghten immunity is vaccinations. It is important to give up blood for other people because it might save someone's life. However, if you give someone blood that their body cant take, the blood in the person's body will reject the blood that you gave to it. That is the reason why you cannot give anybody any ole blood transfusion. Different blood types tend to fight each other There is only one religion that does not favor blood transfusion. That religion is The Jewish religion. Dr.Charles Drew was the first black person to discover blood transfusion. My bibliographical resource was my brain of course. What else would it be? My blood is up because Jadakiss said that it was up. AHA!!!!!!!! [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
Subject: Blood Transfusion | |
Author: Miguel Vidal [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 17:33:56 12/03/04 Fri Yes there is a way to strengthen your immunity. You can improve your nutrition, reduce stress and minimise drug use and exposure to pollutants. People get sick easier than others because there immune system is weak. Your immune system can get weak by poor nutrition, polluted environments, stress and drugs. It is important to give blood because some body else might lack red blood cells. You not get any transfusion blood because if you are type o you are not suppose to recieve any blood from any type.There was a religion on blood transfusion. Jehovah's Witnesses beleive that blood transfusion was not safe for children. The first black persno to discover blood transfusionis Charles R. Drew. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
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Author: Steven Kelly [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 16:19:55 12/03/04 Fri Yes!!! There are ways that you can improve, better, strengthen, etc..YOURIMMUNE SYSTEM Some ways is haVing proper nutrion. Doing excersises which increase blood flow which enables the body to produce red and white blood cells. People that get sicker than others is because they may have a insuffient immune system that does not allow the body 2 protect it self resulting in severe sickness or if it gets 2 far maybe even death. Giving blood is important because it can help someone in need of a transfussion. It may help someone in the nead of life determining decisions. You cant give any ole' kind of blood to a person because the persons blood of the body may not be able to accept it, and may cause failure of a major organ and blood cells may lyse. There are many religions that does not favor blood transfussions: * The Jewish * The Jehovahs Witnesses * Certains mosks of Muslism And the reasons of this is because the realigions think that un pure blood should not be traded. The Blood has to be saved blood. THE BLACK PERSON WHO DISCOVERED BLOOD TRANSFUSION IS ("DRUM ROLL PLEASE")BLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLTING!! DR. CHARLES R. DREW. HES A GREAT GUY DONT YA THINK? SEE MS.FLEMMING I GOT MY BLOOD UP! [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
Subject: Blood | |
Author: Nelson Corchado [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 14:34:43 12/03/04 Fri Some people get sick quicker than others because they have a weaker immunity. Herbal medicine balances the immune system in terms of chronic bacterial infection and in treating allergies, asthma, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis. These Herbs consist of Olive Leaf, Golden Seal, Red Glover. Vitamins such as A, C, and E also helps to strengthen our immune systems. In addition exercise will also help strengthen the immune system. It is important to give blood because there are many people who need clean blood to help keep themselves alive. A person can’t just receive just any blood transfusion because they must have the same blood type as the donor. Charles was the first black person to discover the process of blood transfusion. Although blood transfusion can save many lives religious groups such as Jehovah’s Witnesses do not agree with it. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
Subject: ![]() |
Author: Steven "Da Kidd" Strong [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 13:54:45 12/03/04 Fri There are ways to strengthen immunity. One way to do this is to maintain a healthy diet. Eat vegetables, fruits, foods with proteins, sources of Vitamin A and D, and other minerals.Another way to strenghten immunity is to excercise often. If you stay in good physical shape, your immune system will be very strong. Another way is vaccinations. Vaccinations prevent you from getting the certain disease again. or helps you get rid of the disease quicker when it comes back around. Some people get sicker than others because they do not help out their immune system. They do not eat healthy or excercise often. If you stay on the couch all day after school or on the weekends and eat chicken wings and fries for lunch dinner, midnight snack,and even breakfeast, that is not going to help your immune systems fight off pathogens. However, if you stay healthy(like me for example) and excercise often, then your immune sytem will be extremely strong and designed to fight off pathogens. It is important to give blood to others because it can save someone's life. However, some people cannot have certain blood types in their body. You cannot just get any ole blood transfusion because if you give your blood to someone that doesnt take the blood that you have, the patient's blood will reject your blood and then their will be a fight between the different blood cells. The religion that does not favor blood transfusions is the Jewish religion. Dr. Charles Drew was the first person to discover blood transfusion. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
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Author: M. Withers [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 10:20:50 12/03/04 Fri Charles Drew discoverd blood transfusion.jahovas witnisess forbid blood transfusion. and you give blood for blood loss and to help ut peoples imunities [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
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Author: byron [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 09:25:13 12/03/04 Fri my immunity system is lower than other because i have diabetes and i can get sick really fast . But for me to get better and stronger i have to take my medicine and my anti-biotics i will be great . My immune sytem is starting to get better because i do what i gat to do . byron singhning out [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
Subject: Blood and immunity | |
Author: Jerome Mosley [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 04:11:02 12/03/04 Fri The immune system gains strength from minerals to synthesize proteins which make up all the cells of the body. Important minerals include: ---zinc, which increases the number of lymphocytes to fight cancers. Dietary sources of zinc are whole grains and cooked oysters it is important to donate blood because people are in dire need of blood and by donating blood you are saving or improving the quality of someones life i know tere is a religion against blod transfusion but imm not sure of what it is (i think its jahova witnessses) Dr.Oswald H. Robertson was the first black to discover blood transfusions. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: ![]() |
Author: Ms. Fleming [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 05:10:56 12/03/04 Fri Send me some info telling me where you got your information from? [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
Subject: NO, get your blood up!!!!!!!!!!!! | |
Author: Andre Mendez A.K.A Fabolous [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 20:22:47 11/30/04 Tue yes, there are ways that we can strenghthen our immunity by taking things seriously and having intrest in something. some people get sick easier than others because certain people might not maintain the right body weight,eat the right foods, or have a healthy body.It is important to give blood because you can save someone's life and if you were in the hospital and you needed blood you would wish for someone to donate blood for you.If your in the hospital you cant just get any ole'blood transfusion because you can die if you get someelse's blood in your system and they have to have the same blood type as you.Yes, there is a religion. no, i dont know who tha first black person is to discover blood diffusion. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: ![]() |
Author: Ms. Fleming [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 05:07:36 12/03/04 Fri Good job. However, you left out some vital information. Reread the questions and answer appropriately. Other than that, glad you did it early. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
Subject: GeTtIN My blOOd Up | |
Author: yA boY j. WriGHT [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 21:51:10 11/30/04 Tue Ways that we can strengthen our immunity is by getting the proper nutrition and also taking vitamins.Some people get sicker easier than others beacause there immune systems are weaker.This may be because they do not take care of themselves or because of physical and mental stress.Also A person that may have had surgery can weaken the immunity system.Giving blood is important beacause people need it to treat illnesses or they may lack red blood cells.It is also important because it is simply an act of kindness.If you are about to get a blood transfusion you can not have any type of blood.Doctors have to find out what type of blood you have.For example if u have O type blood you can donate blood to any recipient.If you have AB type blood you can recieve from any donor.Everyone is not for blood transfusions even though they can help people.Jehovah's Witnesses are against blood transfusion.They feel that it is gross to accept a blood transfusion since the bible says "we must abstain from blood".Charles R. Drew was one of the first black to "discover" blood transfusions. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: ![]() |
Author: Ms. Fleming [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 05:05:49 12/03/04 Fri I'm very happy with you Hopper. And you did the right thing and did it well. Keep up the good work. And for the rest of you, get your work up. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
Subject: immunity and blood transfusion | |
Author: Jerome Mosley [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 03:58:55 12/03/04 Fri there are many different things that can strenghthen immunity.The immune system protects the body by helping it to ward-off and recover from various diseases. While stress reduction and regular exercise are known to assist in strengthening the immune system, the types of food consumed make the largest contribution to a healthy immune system. Eating a well-balanced diet including a variety of healthful foods will boost this system's effectiveness. One of the strongest antioxidants is vitamin C, which boosts the immune system to aggressively react on cancer cells. Diets high in this nutrient are linked to reduced risks for stomach, breast, colorectal and prostate cancers. Good sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits, green peppers, cantaloupes and broccoli Those who use tobacco products should eat even more foods containing vitamin C or take supplements since smoking deplete vitamin C reserves quicker than others. Another important antioxidant is vitamin E. This nutrient helps to slow down the symptoms of aging and strengthen body cells that fight infection. People who eat foods rich in vitamin E or take supplements have an added weapon against bacteria and viruses. Vitamin E also helps in the fight against heart disease and cancer. Good food sources of are whole grain foods and vegetable oils. Carotenoids are antioxidants that help to strengthen the immune system by producing lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are cells important to fighting infection. The best sources for carotenoids are the red, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes, cantaloupes, pumpkin, etc. and leafy green foods. The four important carotenoids are beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin. All of these provide excellent protection against disease. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
Subject: MY BLUD IS UP | |
Author: Lovelle"J.R. Scriblez"Miller [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 20:17:08 12/02/04 Thu To explore the effects of lifestyle on immunity, consider the example of the common cold. Our vulnerability depends on the balance between the strength of our immunity and the strength of the threatening virus. Once exposed, we only get sick if our immune defenses are inadequate. When our reserve defenses are depleted, they can no longer prevent the virus from invading our cells. We all know that when our defenses are strong, we almost never get sick. Yet many of us tend to overestimate our ability to resist illness, and in the process we neglect our health. Most of us don't get enough rest. We often eat on the run. We may be exposed to a variety of germs and toxins daily. And, for most of us, stress has become a way of life. We frequently take better care of our cars than of our bodies. It doesn't take a research scientist to figure out why we sometimes get sick. Consider the effects of lifestyle on our susceptibility to illness. The factors that may increase our vulnerability to disease can also be modified to improve our resistance. • Rest and rejuvenation. How often have you caught a cold after not getting enough sleep? We depend on adequate restful sleep to restore our bodies and refresh our minds. During deep sleep, our bodies release potent immune-enhancing substances that strengthen immune function. It is especially important to get additional rest when we are ill. • Exercise. We need regular exercise. The body has a remarkable ability to increase its metabolic capacity through consistent regular physical conditioning. We all know how invigorated and strong we feel when we're in shape. Overall fitness creates reserve capacity that not only serves as a buffer against disease but also helps us recover more quickly. • Good nutrition. A healthy diet is absolutely essential to maintain good immunity. Food provides our cells with the raw materials they require to meet the body's needs. We tend to take nutrition for granted, believing that we'll get along just fine, even if we don't consume all the nutrition we need. Yet we shouldn't assume that just because we live in a modern society we have adequate nutrition. Hundreds of in-depth studies have documented that malnutrition exists in industrialized nations today, among both the rich and poor. you can not just take any ol blood cause your body will reject it and it can lead to heart failure and other things. jehovah witnesses do not think it is ok to accept blood tranmissions. it was good to give to the blood drive cause ur blood can help someones immunity. DR CHARLES R. DREW was the first to discover blood transmissions TOLD YA MY BLUD IS UP THERE HOLLA BACK!!! [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
Subject: I GOT MY BLOOD UP !!!!! | |
Author: Geoffrey Atkins [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 16:25:24 12/02/04 Thu There are many ways that we can strenthen our immunity, for me I take vitamin c which is good for helping you not get or fight of colds. Eating healthy is another way to strenthen your immune system along with drinking water and juices.The reason that people get sicker eaisier than others is that some people do not take care of themselves the way others do. Giving blood is very important especialy post 911.Imagine if we had another attack or anything with large amounts of injuries we may not have enough blood to help the injuries.We must give blood, just think it could be me or you in the hospital needing blood.Yes there is a religion which does not allow you to get a blood transfusions its called 7 day aventis. Charles R.Drew was the Black man who discovered Blood transfusions. HOLLA AT YOUR BOY !!!!! [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
Subject: Immunity | |
Author: Taariq Williams [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 21:35:05 11/29/04 Mon I do know somethings that can strenghten immunity , vitamins can strenghten your immunity. some people get sick faster than others because maybe the person who gets sick faster doesn't have much as blood as than the person who doesn't get sick. It is important to donate blood to help the others in desperate need, and you'll feel good about what you did. You cannot get any ole blood tranfusions because you have to make sure that you and that other person have the same blood type. The religion that does not favor blood transfusions are the jews.Dr.Oswald H. Robertson was the first black to discover blood transfusions. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |