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This message board was created for people interested in Irish Dancing to discuss and debate topics relating to Irish Dancing.
Please read the following rules before posting.
It will be lightly moderated, but frivolous bashing of individuals or organizations is not allowed. Please note that controversy and disagreement are likely on this board, if you are offended by people who do not agree with you, please avoid this board.
Please avoid posting non-discussion stimulating topics (things like great job katie! and what day is xxx feis?). There are several other boards in which you can do that. Please be aware that if you use this board to ask a question, or for advice, or to congratulate a dancer or something of that nature, debates may arise in the replies. If you are not prepared for that, do not post your question here. Posts asking "who is the best dancer in xx age group" are not appropriate questions for debate, and will be deleted.
Please avoid the use of excessive netspeak.
Treat others with respect. Remember that tone is not easily conveyed in written form.
If you dont like the rules of this message board, or you dont like the choices made by the moderator, please feel free to take your web-browser elsewhere. There are many other message boards listed on www.dance-again.com and you may find an Irish Dancing message board area on www.dance.net.
A name is required when posting. It is reccomended that you use the same name each time you post, to avoid trolls and misleading posters. It need not be your real name, and can be an anonymous alias. I strongly reccomend that you at least use the same name within each thread to reduce confusion.
If you have a problem with something posted on this message board, please e-mail Ainethedragon@gmail.com or click the Contact Forum Admin link. Posts requesting the removal of other posts will be ignored and deleted. There is something to be said for following directions.

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