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- Searching for Sunshine State and Regional Representatives -- International Director, 12:17:23 01/19/07 Fri [1]
We are calling upon our directors 25 year history and commitment to young ladies and pageant experience to provide this unique opportunity for outstanding girls to build character, make memories and realize their dreams. Sunshine Productions is dedicated to celebrating our outstanding girls as we seek out, recognize and encourage our countrys future leaders. Our purpose is to help your daughter to improve her communication skills, appreciate her self-worth, gain self-confidence, and set exciting goals for the future.
You will enjoy watching your daughter SHINE! Sunshine Productions is a chance to showcase her unique gifts and abilities. Its a fun-filled weekend for everyone with special events and a great show. Its a special time to rally behind your daughter and show your support during this important time in her life.
Your Child Can Qualify For Sunshines International Finals without being in a Preliminary or State Pageant!
If Sunshine Productions does not have a Preliminary in your area or state or if your schedule does not allow you to attend a preliminary, you can qualify for Internationals! You can be a State Representative!
Over $35,000 in CASH, PRIZES, and FUN!!!!
CASH! Beautiful Round International Crowns, Royalty Robes, Huge Trophies, Tons of Gifts!!!
Everyone must qualify to attend the International Finals.
However, if there is not a prelim in your area or state you can still qualify.
All State Representatives will receive a Beautiful Crown, Monogrammed Sash with their State or Regional Title at the International Finals on October 26-28, 2007.
Your Daughter will be presented their Title and Awards on Stage!
The cost of the State Representative Title and Qualification is $100. Plus, you get $100 off your fees at the International Finals!
All you have to do is send the following information:
Representative's Name:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Parent's Name:
Send in a photo of your child for the website
You will then be notified of your Title
Also, Your Child Will Qualify for the $100 DISCOUNT at the International Finals and will receive their Crown and Monogrammed Sash on Stage at a special ceremony at the International Finals.
Please send your application to qualify to:
Sunshine Productions
PO Box 331247
Nashville, TN 37203
Sunshine only accepts Money Order, Cashiers Checks or PayPal. If you PayPal the address is sunshineprodutions1@yahoo.com. But please mail the contestant information listed above or email it to sunshineproductions1@yahoo.com.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Sunshine office at (615) 595-6918 or email to sunshineproductions1@yahoo.com.
Visit the Sunshine Productions Website for more information.
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- GemStar Has a South Carolina director -- No name, 07:20:14 06/30/06 Fri [1]
The GemStar staff would like to introduce our newest member to the GemStar team.
Hello, my name is Jeanie Mills. I will be your SC state director. I am 28 years old and I'm from Taylors, SC. I have four children ages 1,5,11,and 12.I am looking forward to having many wonderful preliminaries leading up to a spectacular state pageant.
To contact Jeanie email scgemstar@yahoo.com or phone (864) 236-7254 www.gwenscreations.com/SAF.htm
If you are interested in becomeing a state director please email me, Gwen Connor for more information at southernangelface@yahoo.com or call 731-983-0555
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<marquee behavior="alternate"><font face="Impact"><font size="+3"><font color="3C4AFF">This Is One Pageant You Don't Want To Miss</marquee></b></font></font size></font color><center><font face="Century Gothic"><font size="+4"><font color="F839AD">LBF Belles of America</center></font></font size></font color><center><font face="Matisse ITC"><font size="+4"><font color="F839AD">Disco Diva Nationals</center></font></font size></font color><center>
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.labellefille.com/bells.html"><image border=0 src="http://picturethistshirts.com/Bannerfile/DD2006NationalBanner1a.jpg"></center></a><center><font size="+3"><font color="3C4AFF">
Look...We Have Split The 6-7 Group!
12 Divisional Supremes & 12 Divisional Beauty Queesn</font color></center><center><font color="F839AD"><font face="Century Gothic">
We Have Also Added Portfolio As A Photo Event and a 2nd Outfit of Choice for $50
Now That Makes 27 Overall Cash Paying Titles!</center></b></font size></font color><center><font face="Century Gothic"><font size="+3"><font color="3C4AFF">
Disco Diva's Vendor List</center></b></font face></font size></font color></U><center><b><font size="+2"><font color="F839AD"><u>
Hair & Make-Up</center></b></font face></font size></font color></u>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=mailto:"Nails1504@aol.com">Stacey Louque / Syndie's Fashion Falls</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=mailto:"painteddolls@aol.com">Painted Dolls</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=mailto:"WINNINGTOUCH@AOL.COM">H/M BY CHRISTY COSBY Call 318-390-6019</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=mailto:"hjashley812@yahoo.com">Hair and Make-up by Heather</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=mailto:"HottiesByMykel@aol.com">H/M By Michael Baca</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=mailto:"crownmequeen2002@yahoo.com">Bonnie and Andrea</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=mailto:"LBLNCLISA@AOL.COM">Hair and Make - up: Lisa LeBlanc</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=mailto:"ThePowerCompany1@aol.com">Michael Butler</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=mailto:"tammybeckyp@yahoo.com">H/m By: Tammy Purcell Call 309-475-2132</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=mailto:"Swiggy1@aol.com">Sara Swigart</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=mailto:"absolutelyKellyR@aol.com">Absolutely Beautiful H&M by Kelly Raby</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=mailto:"CROWNUS1@BELLSOUTH.NET">Janie Carriere</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=mailto:"mistypage@megagate.com">H/M by Misty Page</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=mailto:"tereseayee@sbcglobal.net">H/M by: Teresea Yee</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><b><font size="+2"><font color="F839AD"><u>
Tanning & Nails</u></center></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:sunnymisttanning@yahoo.com">Sunny Mist Tanning</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:painteddolls@aol.com">Painted Dolls by Michelle</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:powderandpoof@yahoo.com">Golden Glow Tanning</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:WINNINGTOUCH@AOL.COM">TANNING BY: WINNING TOUCH TANZ Call 318-390-6019 </center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:hjashley812@yahoo.com">Airbrush Tanning by Heather</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:glamourmisttanz@aol.com">Glamour Mist Tans</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:totaltan2@aol.com">Total Tan by Melissa</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:kennedyandkarsynsmom@yahoo.com">Tanning By Kim</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><b><font size="+2"><font color="F839AD"><u>
PHOTOGRAPHY</u></center></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:ThePowerCompany1@aol.com">The Power Company/Michael Butler</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:hp2jap@webtv.net">Becky Carter Photography</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:jpenegar@shtc.net">Jennifer Penegar Photography Hair & Makeup Angela Rabon</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:tuvera@cctc.net">CLAYTON CUTIES Photography</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:royalimages1@cox.net">Royal Images by Glenda - h/m by Andrea Mitchell Call 225-665-7730</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><b><font size="+2"><font color="F839AD"><u>
Model Coaching</u></center></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:WINNINGTOUCH@AOL.COM">COACHING WITH MS CHRISTY Call 318-390-6019</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:Candego@aol.com">Modeling Classes Friday night Email</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:dbstrut@aol.com">Donna Butts Studio - Donna Butts</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:Fraileygirl@yahoo.com">Donna Butts Studio - Sara Frailey</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><b><font size="+2"><font color="F839AD"><u>
Miscellaneous</u></center></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=mailto:"lu-lu2@cox.net">Curls To Go</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=mailto:"emily@starspangledonline.com">Star Spangled Hair, Shoes, & More</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=mailto:"Candego@aol.com">Fitting for Flippers. Miss Amber Kiser representing Clip 6 Snap Ons</center></a></b></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=mailto:"Candego@aol.com">Designs By Carolyne</center></a></b></font size></font color><center>
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.labellefille.com/bells.html"><image border=0 src="http://picturethistshirts.com/Bannerfile/DD2006NationalBanner1small.jpg"></center></a>
<center><font face="Imapct"><font size="+3"><font color="F839AD">Room Block Ends May 30th...
Almost Full...Book Today! Discounts are valid through May 26 only use yours today!!
Click Photo To Make Reservation Now</center></font></font size></font color><center>
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.starwoodmeeting.com/StarGroupsWeb/booking/reservation?id=0509120348&key=5C90A"><image border=0 src="http://picturethistshirts.com/Bannerfile/DDHotelPhoto.jpg"></center
</b><font face="Impact" size="7"><font color="fd3d8a">Attention: Moms, Dads, Grandma & Grandpa!!!</font face></font color></font size>
<font face="Century Gothic" size="6"><font color="black"><marquee behavior="alternate"><b>Order your "Disco Diva's" TV good luck wishes now!</b></marquee></font face></font color></font size>
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.labellefille.com/bells.html"><image src="http://www.bannersbysharon.com/DiscoTVads_june9ban.jpg" border="0"></a>
</b></b></b></b><font face="Impact" size="6"><font color="fd3d8a">LBF Belles of America "Disco Divas" Nationals
The Pageant of the Year!</font face></font color></font size>
<font face="Century Gothic" size="5"><font color="black">Order your TV good luck wishes now!
Wish your DD good luck with TV ad's.<br>Your DD will be so excited to see her's on the big screens when she is in the ballroom.</font face></font color></font size>
<font face="Century Gothic" size="5"><font color="blue">Only $15 for one ad or 2 ad's for $20</font face></font color></font size>
<font face="Century Gothic" size="4"><font color="fd3d8a"><b>All Good Luck Ad's will appear on your free DVD Video of the pageant!
Mom's if you want to earn credit towards your optional event fees at Nationals - Sell 10 ad's and receive a free optional event.</b></font face></font color></font size>
<font face="Century Gothic" size="5"><font color="black">E-mail your banner saved as a photo in JPG format to: labellefille1@aol.com</font face></font color></font size>
<font face="Century Gothic" size="5"><font color="1fc701"><b>Directors/Vendors to buy TV ad's to advertise your services or your upcoming pageant.
What a great way to advertise!!</b></font face></font color></font size>
</b></b></b></b><font face="Century Gothic" size="4"><font color="f71ca2">click the banner to visit DISCO DIVA'S online!</b></font face></font color></font size>
<p align="center"><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:lu-lu2@cox.net?subject=banner posting">
<img height="68" src="http://www.webs-n-banners.com/GRAPHICS/MAW%20tag1.jpg" width="188" border="0"></a></p>
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- UPDATED CALENDER -- No name, 14:05:31 05/12/06 Fri [1]
June 10 Majestic National - Louisville, KY - <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.bbtel.com/~majestic/">http://www.bbtel.com/~majestic/</a>
June 9-11 Disco Divas - Atlanta, GA <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.labellefille.com">http://www.labellefille.com</a>
June 9-11 Diamond USA National - Atlanta, GA <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://diamondusapageants.com/">http://diamondusapageants.com/</a>
June 16-18 Total Miss International - Gatlinburg, TN <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.totalmiss.com/">http://www.totalmiss.com/</a>
June 22-25 UMMI National - Las Vegas, NV <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.universalmiss.com/">http://www.universalmiss.com/</a>
June 23-25 Sweet Pea National - Cocoa Beach, FL <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.angelfire.com/biz2/sweetpeapageants/">http://www.angelfire.com/biz2/sweetpeapageants/</a>
Jun 30 - July 2 Christmas in July National Atlanta, GA www.southernangels.org
July 1-2 Magical Dream World National - Irvine, CA www.magicaldreamworld.com
July 8-11 Cover Miss Nationals Orlando, FL www.americascovermiss.com
July 7-9 Ultimate Dream Queen - Laughlin, NV www.ultdreamqueen.com
July 14-17 Americas Fabulous Faces Daytona Beach, FL www.americasfabulousfaces.com
Aug 5-6 Miss & Mr. Elegance - Windsor, CT www.nespageants.com
Aug 11-13 East Coast USA National E. Brunswick, NJ www.eastcoastusapageant.com
Aug 12-13 National All American USA Nationals - Louisville, KY www.nationalallamericanusa.com
Aug. 18-20 Elite All-America Miss Williamsburg, VA www.eliteallamericamiss.com
Aug. 25-27 America's Finest Kings & Queens National Atlanta, Georgia www.americasfinestkingsandqueens.com
Aug 25-27 Dream Dolls Nationals - Charlotte NC www.dreamdollspageant.com
Aug 25-27 Dec. 9-11, America's National Dream Queen - Orlando, FL www.freewebs.com/americasnationaldreamqueen/
Sept 15-17 AUE National - Louisville, KY www.madonnaspageants.com
Sept 16-17 Moonbean National - Orlando, FL www.moonbeampageant.com
Sept 22-24 Celebrity Girls National - Dallas, TX www.celebritygirlsusa.com
Sept. 29 Oct 1 TDS Nationals Atlanta, GA www.tropicaldreamstars.com
Oct 13-15 Glamour Dolls National - Louisville, KY www.glamourdollusa.com
Oct 13-15 All American Miss Panama City Beach, FL www.allamericanmiss.com
Oct 21-22 Southern Beauties & Beaus - Atlanta, GA www.southernbeautiesandbeaus.com
Oct 27-28 Americas Beach Babes National Myrtle Beach, SC www.americasbeachbabes.com
Nov 3-4 Universal Royalty Nationals - Austin, TX www.universalroyalty.com
Nov 3-5 Magical Moments USA National - NJ www.magicalmomentsusa.homestead.com
Nov 10-12 Darling Dolls of America National - Dallas, TX www.darlingdollsofamerica.com
Nov 17-19 America's Gorgeous Girls Nationals - Gatlinburg, TN www.americasgorgeousgirls.net
Nov 17-19 Toy Explosion Christmas Nationals Hot Springs, AR <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.angelfire.com/ar3/atbc/schedule.html">http://www.angelfire.com/ar3/atbc/schedule.html</a>
Dec 2-3 NES Nationals - Cromwell, CT www.nespageants.com
Dec 16-17 American Ultimate Beauty Nashville, TN email: americanultimatebeauty@yahoo.com
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- Sunshine Has Everything you Ever Wanted In a Pageant! -- National Director, 10:04:12 05/12/06 Fri [1]
Does this describe your child?
September 1st-3rd, 2006
Marriott Hotel and Convention Center - Franklin, Tennessee
EVERY CHILD IS BEAUTIFUL AND WILL RECEIVE A BEAUTIFUL NATIONAL TROPHY, SASH, GIFTS GALORE and VIDEO! Also, each contestant will have a blast at the Annual Contestant's Banquet!
QUEENS AND KINGS in each age division will receive a 5' National Trophy, Stunning Round Crown, Designer Monogrammed Sash and $200 Scholarship Savings Bond (Cash on Stage).
TWO SUPREMES QUEENS AND ONE SUPREME KING will receive a 6' National Trophy, Stunning Round Crown, Designer Monogrammed Sash and $1,000 Scholarship Savings Bond (Cash on Stage).
GRAND SUPREME will receive a 6' Trophy, Stunning Round Crown, Designer Monogrammed Sash and $2,000 Scholarship Savings Bond (Cash on Stage).
THREE TALENT WINNERS will receive a Large National Trophy, Stunning National Crown, Designer Monogrammed National Banner, AND $500 Scholarship Savings Bond (Cash on Stage).
GRAND SUPREME TALENT WINNER will receive a Large National Trophy, Stunning National Crown, Designer Monogrammed National Banner, AND $1,000 Scholarship Savings Bond (Cash on Stage).
The National Pageant is going to be awesome!!!!
* Over $35,000 In Fun, Excitement and Awards
* Over $10,000 in Savings Bonds (Cash on Stage)
* More Gifts Than You Can Imagine on the Fabulous Gift Table
* Designer Monogrammed Banners
* Monogrammed Robes
* Gorgegous Round Crowns
* Televisions
* Contestants Will Enjoy a Full Sit-Down Banquet and Party!
* Surprise Guests at the Party!
* Every Contestant Gets $100 Discount off the Supreme Package!
* Fun, Organization and Excitement for Everyone!
Girls Age Divisions: 0-23 mo, 2 yrs, 3-4 yrs, 5-6 yrs, 7-9 yrs, 10-12 yrs, 13-18 yrs, 18-26 yrs.
Boys Age Divisions: 0-4 yrs (This age group will be split with 15 contestants. 0-23 mo, 2-4 yrs)
No Entries will be accepted after August 14th. All fees, roster photos, ad pages, and completed entry forms must be received by the deadline. No monies will be collected at the door with the exceptions of door badges and door overalls (door overalls are optional and do not have any effect with the supreme winners).
For More Information On All Upcoming Events:
Phone: (615) 591-2386
Email: sunshineproductions1@yahoo.com
PayPal to : sunshineproductions1@yahoo.com
Website: www.sunshineproductionsevents.com
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- ARE YOU READY FOR A LITTLE SUNSHINE??? -- Donna Nelson National Director, 18:15:40 03/01/06 Wed [1]
Saturday April 15, 2006
Holiday Inn Elm Hill Pike Nashville, Tennessee
We all know that pageants can be great family fun and I know you will love Sunshine as I strive hard to make each of Sunshines events very special and memorable for all the girls as well as their families. I pride myself in providing a fun, exciting, fair and organized pageant. Sunshine is a natural pageant and I invite you to go to the website to view the judges instructions the rules on attire.
My goal is to provide a professional natural environment where young people can perform on stage. Watching these children grow and develop into talented and confident individuals is such a wonderful blessing.
Beauty is only $50!!! Fantastic Crowns, Trophies, Gifts and More! Cash to the Easter Bonnet Winner!
Supreme includes Beauty and Casual Wear!
Every Child Will Receive a Beautiful Trophy and Wonderful Gift From the Gift Table!
Sunshines National Finals are just around the corner!!! September 1-3, 2006 in Franklin, Tennessee. Sunshine is giving away $35,000 in cash, prizes and fun! Also, if there is not a director in your state you can come to Nationals with $100 off by becoming a State Delegate. Visit our website to stay abreast of all our events and information on becoming a State Delegate.
For More Information: (615) 591-2386
Email: sunshineproductions1@yahoo.com
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- Anyone Go on THE PAGEANT TREE on PalTalk?What do you think??? -- No name, 20:47:19 07/23/05 Sat [3]
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- H/M @ Southern Beauties & Beaus -- Anita & Carol, 20:39:39 10/02/05 Sun [1]
<center><font size="+3">
Now Booking For....
<center><font size="+3"><font color="F52887">
Southern Beauties & Beaus</font><font></a>
<center><font size="+4"><font color="red">
Brianna Knows.....</font><font></a>
<center><marquee behavior="alternate"><b><font face="Rockwell Extra Bold"><font size="+6"><font color="blue">*~* It's "Magical", It's "Grand", It's....*~*</b></font><font></marquee><br>
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.powderandpoof.com"><img src="http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b350/mypageantkid/RebandHM1.jpg" border="0"><p></a>
<marquee behavior="alternate"><b><font face="Rockwell Extra Bold"><font size="+6"><font color="blue">*~* Powder & Poof *~*</b></font><font></marquee><br>
Click on the banner to visit our website
<center><font size="+3"><font color="red">
All Events including Crowning: $150
<center><font size="+2"><font color="blue">
Book Early!
We will only take 10 clients</font><font></a>
<center><font size="+4"><font color="red">E-mail
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:powderandpoof@yahoo.com">Powder & Poof</font><font></a>
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- Dixieland Winners( IN ORDER...I WAS THEREIN THE 7-8 GROUP...Part II -- TENNESSEE HILLBILLY, 08:39:22 09/07/05 Wed [1]
Dixieland Winners( IN ORDER...I WAS THEREIN THE 7-8 GROUP...Part II
In reply to: TENNESSEE HILLBILLY 's message, "Dixieland Winners( IN ORDER...I WAS THEREIN THE 7-8 GROUP)" on 23:08:13 09/06/05 Tue
7-8 year division winners...Best dress..Brianna Butler...Eyes..Caroline Duncan..Swimwear-Lauren Yee..Outfit Of Choice..Lauren Yee....print model--Jordan?...portfoloio--Lauren Yee..sportswear model--Lauren Yee...Photogenic winners---4th ru-Caroline Duncan..3rd ru...Lauren Yee..2ND RU--kAYLA ?..1ST RU--Brianna Butler...photo winner-----Samantha Michelle......BEAUTY WINNERS...lEVEL 1--Karly Fletcher....Level 2--Alex Pearson..Level 3-- CAROLINE Duncan........9-10 beauty winners...Teresa ANN Jedra...Anna Lauren HALE...aSHLEY Kravitz......11-12 winners......Swimwear--Taylor Sherman...Outfit Of Choice....Marissa Zink....Sportswear...taylor Sherman.....Beauty winners...Level 1--Jessica Fugate...Level 2 Carly Knight...Level 3--Marissa Zink..........13-15 division....bEAUTY.....lEVEL 1...kELSIE sHIRLEY( CLARKSVILLE TENNESSEE GIRL)...Level 2---Amanda SHPIGLER..lEVEL 3---kAILEE Rodenbeck....................................................OVERALL MOST BEAUTIFUL..0-6----mADISON wOOLRIDEGE...7 AND UP--Dana Jo ALLEY....Beauty Photogenic winner---0-6--macy smith....7 and up--Maggie Hall...Grand Model Supreme..--shayla williamson..11 and up--K.T.meier...Mini-supreme($1000 bond)0-6..--Shelby Bryan..7 and up-Kassie Demerse......overall most beautiful.......charai reeef and britney hendy/(sorry)...overall grand novice supreme..0-4..Seven?...5-10..Brianna Butler..11 and up (TIE)..Krystal? and Lauren( sorry..tried to get em all but it was hard)..Grand model supreme....0-6--sadie welch..7-12--shayla williamson..13 and up--k.t.meir...grand supremes......casadee dunlap....darby thomas...taylor sherman..($2500 bond)...high point car winners--0-6--Brooke Jones...7 and up--Lauren Yee...sorry if i left anyone out and if the order is a bit off but this is pretty close...as i said my daughter was in the 7-8 division...16 kids in the group....134 total for the pageant...i will make additions as i check my notes
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- Dixieland Winners( IN ORDER...I WAS THEREIN THE 7-8 GROUP) -- TENNESSEE HILLBILLY, 08:18:14 09/07/05 Wed [1]
Dixieland Winners( IN ORDER...I WAS THEREIN THE 7-8 GROUP) -- TENNESSEE HILLBILLY, 23:08:13 09/06/05 Tue [17]
Talent winner 0-5..... First Runner up-Chloe Philpot...2nd RU-Cassadee Dunlap..3rd RU-Shelby Bryan..Talent Winner...Erin? (sorry) ...6-10..4TH RU..Ashley Kravitz...3rd ru..Sierra Hinton..2nd ru-Jordan Rainey...1st ru-Lauren Yee....winner---Karly Fletcher (7 or 8 year old).......talent 10-14 winners-----3rd ru- Kailee Rodenbeck..2nd ru-Jessica Fugate( clarksville tennessee girl)..1st ru-Taylor Sherman...talent winner-Molly May(mississippi...fabulous singer..trains with the bob westbrook singers).......talent 15 and up winner--Shane Bishop...Overall talent winner($1000 bond)--Jaqueline Bethany..( sorry i missed some of the babies)...3-4 age division beauty winners..Level 1 Supreme..Armani Shepard...Level 3 supreme-Gracie Raynor...5-6 swimwear winner-Cassidy Smith..Print Model.Alani WalkeR..Composite winner...Cassidy Smith.....Sportswear winner--Whitney Smith..Photogenic Winner--Darby Thomas......Beauty supremes...Level 1-Cassidy Goldsworthy...Level 2...Cassidy Smith...Level 3--Kennedy Azabuike
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- Cover Miss -- No name, 15:47:32 07/13/05 Wed [5]
Can someone that was at CM please post the top five for the 2-3 group and the 4-6 group? Thanks
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- Roll call for Beach babes in myrtle beach! -- No name, 09:22:16 08/05/05 Fri [2]
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- Cover Miss -- No name, 09:21:09 07/15/05 Fri [10]
I am just thinking, how many of you would go to Cover Miss next year? Whether you went this year or not, because of what the director, Ruth Barron, did to a child? How many of you would put your child into a situation where she could possibly be treated that way in front of so many people?
I guarantee you that many of you who know what happened will anyway, because of that oh so prestigeous "Cover Miss" title, I just hope that your child doesn't suffer the embarassment that one already has.
Pageants are supposed to be an enjoyable fun experience for our kids. Why take them to one that you KNOW might hurt them? Kids learn the difference between win and lose and doing their best over time, as they grow... a BABY was hurt at CM!
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- SC & NC Pageants -- No name, 19:23:26 07/13/05 Wed [25]
Upcoming Pageants:
Dream Dolls
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- CANT WAIT FOR DREAM DOLLS NATIONALS!!!!!!! (NT) -- No name, 23:38:08 07/13/05 Wed
- AMERICAS BEACH BABES IS AUG 19-21 (NT) -- No name, 10:37:07 07/14/05 Thu
- Were going to SC AGG in the three's, we don't know of anyone else going at this point, anyone going? Smilz :) (NT) -- No name, 14:44:47 07/14/05 Thu
- Most everyone who won the last DD pageant will be there and will be the big winners. (NT) -- No name, 16:31:23 07/14/05 Thu
- I think Dream Dolls has been around for about5 years. It is an awesome system. Tammy & Lee are great directors (NT) -- No name, 19:20:07 07/14/05 Thu
- Re:WE ARE GOING WE WILL BE IN THE BABIES, GOOD LUCK TO EVERY ONE (NT) -- No name, 10:25:42 07/19/05 Tue
- We will be at Dream Dolls!! (NT) -- No name, 14:09:49 07/20/05 Wed
- Is anyone doing Beach Babes? (NT) -- No name, 06:12:49 07/26/05 Tue
- Angel - coach -- No name, 10:37:34 08/01/05 Mon [2]
good or bad?
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- people! lets go to all of the mall perlims and lets band together and screw ruth! she dislikes blacks and screws with titles and takes wins away from kids. -- CM Sucks!!!!!!!, 19:13:35 07/30/05 Sat [3]
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- ceita..where are you??i miss you!! -- No name, 19:02:38 07/27/05 Wed [1]
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- Elite or Americas Finest -- No name, 07:14:27 07/27/05 Wed [1]
We can't decide between these two pageants. Anyone who has ever done either of these, please post your opinions on them.
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- Which pageants are everyone doing this weekend? -- No name, 04:32:47 07/19/05 Tue [1]
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- Anyone know anything about PM nationals in TN? Good / Fair??? -- No name, 09:14:08 07/15/05 Fri [1]
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- Any predictions for Dream Dolls? -- No name, 05:47:24 07/14/05 Thu [4]
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- Cover Miss -- No name, 08:53:11 07/13/05 Wed [15]
What happened to caring about the kids? I will never enter my dd in Cover Miss after this!
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- Elite All American Miss -- No name, 12:39:21 07/13/05 Wed [7]
Is this a good system? We are looking for something for August.
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- Who's going to America's Finest Kings and Queens National? -- No name, 15:17:53 07/14/05 Thu [2]
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- Cover Miss - what happened??? -- No name, 08:48:04 07/13/05 Wed [5]
Went to site and did not see winners posted. Where are they posted? (NT) -- No name, 07/12/05 1:22pm (
wow (NT) -- No name, 07/12/05 3:15pm (
Charlsey 4-6 Division, Brooke J 2-3 Division and 0-3 Overall Model (NT) -- Not sure if all crowning is at one time or split, 07/12/05 1:43pm (
Ruth Barron the director of Cover Miss has just asked Patsy to stop posting winners until all crowning has been completed (including older contestants) Sorry for the interruption but Patsy's hands are tied. (NT) -- Keep watching Patsy's site & once crowning is done the entire winners list will be posted. Thank you!, 07/12/05 2:12pm (
Anyone have any winners besides Charlsey and Brooke?? (NT) -- No name, 07/12/05 2:26pm (
Cassadee Dunlap 0-3 Model 7-9 Div Taylor Meche, 10-12 Beauty Taylor Sherman, 10-12 Crystal Gillen, 13-15 Beauty Maggie Hall, 13-15 Div Alexis Mooney (NT) -- No name, 07/12/05 2:44pm (
Did they pull the big $$ 0-3 Model from BJ and give it to CD??? (NT) -- No name, 07/12/05 6:48pm (
yes they made a mistake CD was the one that actually won the 0-3 supermodel bj just won division (NT) -- No name, 07/12/05 7:08pm (
Did tehy take the crown and everything away after she was crowned? (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 12:12am (
OOPS *(@#^$*% How can you make a mistake like that? Kinda makes me wonder if my group had any errors and were not discovered or brought to the table?????? (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 1:23am (
Yes they took it away. That is an awful thing to do to a child to make them give it to someone else. If you make a mistake you double crown you do not take it away. (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 8:58am (
When they realized they double crowned they had to take away the supermodel supreme. If they had taken away the division think about how many other people it would have effected and they would have had to take crowns and recrown. (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 9:00am (
So are you saying that there may have been two screw ups? Hey COVER MISS, way to go to COVER you little MISShaps! (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 10:14am (
INDIAN GIVERS (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 10:28am (
Halle's parents aren't photographers. It's her aunt & if it was COI that she won, Kori G would've won b/c it's her Mom who's a photographer. (NT) -- PM, 07/13/05 2:24pm (
ttt (NT) -- No name, 07/12/05 2:58pm (
?? How could Taylor Sherman only get beauty??? Who got beauty in the 7-9? (NT) -- No name, 07/12/05 3:21pm (
Come on now, different day , different judges. Tough COmpetition every year at CM & getting a beauty title is an honor . These ppl that do not appreciate wins make me sick. I am sure many girls would have loved to taken that beauty title home. (NT) -- No name, 07/12/05 3:29pm (
ttt (NT) -- opp, 07/12/05 3:35pm (
Maybe because she's not that pretty. (NT) -- No name, 07/12/05 3:42pm (
Can't win a supreme and grand all the time! I'm sure Lily isn't happy! She expects a supreme or grand everytime. Be glad she got a beauty title!! I'm sure many people went home empty handed! So be grateful. (NT) -- No name, 07/12/05 8:05pm (
There was another goof-up in this age group as well. So we really don't know who honestly won. (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 10:24am (
Crowning is over & the winners list is now posted on PATSY'S site. She is taking photos right now & will have them posted asap. Thank you!! (NT) -- ., 07/12/05 3:43pm (
WHO WON THE OVERALLS?? (NT) -- No name, 07/12/05 3:46pm (
4-6 OVERALL PHOTOGENIC LEXI PAKO! (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 12:19am (
Who is that? (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 12:59am (
Same thing everyone said last year when she won 5+ Overall Princess at Sunburst-lol. FL kid-doesn't get out much. This thing was overloaded with FL and LA winners. (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 1:22am (
Doesn't get out much? Is that supposed to mean she doesn't do enough pageants? How idiotic can you be? (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 3:55am (
What did she place in everything else. (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 9:27am (
Lexi Pako is a mona diva girl. (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 1:31pm (
. (NT) -- ., 07/12/05 4:28pm (
wtg girls (NT) -- No name, 07/12/05 10:54pm (
So did Taylor Shawvers get nothing? (NT) -- No name, 07/12/05 3:46pm (
Her name is Shawver and she was not there. So yes, she got nothing. LMAO! (NT) -- No name, 07/12/05 4:24pm (
Well, they said she was there on the pink board. SORRY, their mistake. Geesh! What about Shelby B? She is a cutie!! (NT) -- No name, 07/12/05 5:05pm (
Address for the pink board? (NT) -- No name, 07/12/05 8:32pm (
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.voy.com/182502/">http://www.voy.com/182502/</a> (NT) -- No name, 07/12/05 9:51pm (
Tahlor Shawver was there in the 7-9, she got an alternate. (NT) -- No name, 07/12/05 10:14pm (
oops, i meant Taylor, she did very well in the pageant. LA girls won both titles. (NT) -- No name, 07/12/05 10:18pm (
OOPS?????? You are starting to sound like the director of CM. Ruth? Are you posting her? (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 12:34pm (
.. (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 2:14pm (
yes she was there and got 4 runner up!!! (NT) -- No name, 07/12/05 10:38pm (
She only made TOP 15 and that is it!! Not TOP 5! (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 3:09am (
TAYLOR WAS THERE IDIOT!!!! (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 12:13am (
She was there and competing last time I saw. LOL (NT) -- No name, 07/12/05 7:05pm (
Go Lindsey!!!! You make the West Coast proud!!!!!!!!!!!! (NT) -- No name, 07/12/05 4:26pm (
ttt (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 12:10am (
How many? -- No name, 07/12/05 4:41pm (
How many were in the 0-11 month old girls (NT) -- No name, 07/12/05 4:42pm (
Is there a message board where people are discussing CM winners and the pageant? (NT) -- No name, 07/12/05 7:43pm (
There were 32 in the 0-11 month girls. (NT) -- No name, 07/12/05 8:47pm (
Congratulations Lindsey!! What an amazing honor. (NT) -- donna, trishelle, justina and Tashana, 07/12/05 9:30pm (
Way To Go LINDSEY!!! (NT) -- XOXO Rikki, 07/13/05 1:37am (
Florida got 8 out of 25 titles! Wooo hoooo!!!! (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 12:03am (
How did Shelby B do??? (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 12:29am (
2nd or 3rd RU (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 12:58am (
32% of the titles from one state. Imagine that! (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 1:08am (
CONGRATULATIONS CHARLSEY! Way to go! Daddy is proud of you! (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 2:42am (
13-15 M.H????? OMG. T & M must have had their hand in this one!!! No way that girl could have won own her on!!!!! (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 3:46am (
Someone forgot to take their Lithium today! (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 4:01am (
What happened to Regan L? (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 11:01am (
Really, I thought she was supposed to take it all. LOL. (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 11:57am (
LOL, sorry--had to ask!! (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 1:24pm (
is there anywhere that has a list of the alternates? (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 11:58am (
I believe there is a pink board back up i think the address is voy.com/193413/ a friend had told me about this one! Since the other is down! (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 1:36pm (
voy 196944 new board (NT) -- No name, 07/13/05 2:46pm (
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- Cover Miss -- No name, 15:11:15 07/13/05 Wed [1]
I got to see first hand that this is a pageant that anyone who is good can come in and win. There was no name game. The titles getting mixed up was a little off, but the pageant was great otherwise.
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- pageant tapes -- No name, 09:00:03 07/13/05 Wed [2]
Is there a place you can order videos from past pageants, with crowning... I'd like to see if some of these pageants that people gripe about, if they really have a reason to?
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- Welcome To The Blog -- No name, 08:22:21 07/13/05 Wed [1]
Hi, This is The Pageant Blog board. Welcome! Please feel free to post your opinions about pageant systems, photographers, coaches, and so forth! Opinions are just that, opinions, posts expressing an opinion will not be deleted... Please feel free to post links to other boards as well! I'm not trying to stifle any information here!
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