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Date Posted: 21:55:17 11/05/06 Sun
Author: Kyrian/Remy
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Shay/Haylie 's message, "inside" on 17:28:19 11/05/06 Sun

(He arched a brow at his wife's reminder, looking over his friend with a questioning look.) Hey.. you up for sittin? (He asked without any such ado, it was just the sort of relationship they had, an open and understnading one - when Haylie and Kyr had their baby they would babysit whenever it was needed too.. it was just accepted between them.) (He looked over at Remy with a smirk.) Sure thing. (He said without thought, shifting Chase in his arms and turning his attention back to Haylie. He had been ready to tease her lovingly for slipping, but then she had looked over and he found himself just smiling stupidly because.. well, he wanted to be there helping with the baby and the puppy and it all sounded wonderful. Her smile warmed him and he got to his feet, setting Chase on the crook of his elbow to sit as he walked over to her. The whole room had gone dead silent, as though waiting to see what was going on here, she had finally admitted to something.. ) Between the two of us, we can handle anything.. (He murmured, just loud enough so that Reese made an "aweeee" sound deep in her throat, and then dissolved into giggles as Skeeter gave her crap for making noise during an otherwise momentuous occasion. He grinned then, that flash of a grin that made his face light up, and lowered his head to kiss her. She tasted like woman and pineapple, and he licked the flavor from his lips. Chase was clapping his hands, he knew that kissing was a good thing.)

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