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Date Posted: 13:01:39 07/02/07 Mon
Author: Haylie
Subject: inside
In reply to: Kyrian 's message, "Inside" on 22:25:38 06/28/07 Thu

She watched the going on's around her for a long moment before she turned her attention back down to the laptop screen on her semi-lap. The thought of having a house was a little unsettling sometimes, if she thought about it. It was so grown up. They would have property taxes, utility bills and have to mow the lawn. Not to mention things would break and someone would have to fix them and honestly neither her nor Kyrian were the handyman type. It just seemed like she was putting away her freedom, the ability to take off and go whenever she wanted but when Kyrian knelt down and placed her hand over her belly, she smiled just a little and knew why it was ok that she was giving up all that stuff. She was still nervous about being a mother, about being his serious girlfriend, maybe someday wife but they had started all this and now she was adamant on doing well at it. She wouldn't let her child down, it was like a mission to her - failure was not an option. A low breath escaped her lips as she felt a foot go into her ribs and then press against the taunt skin of her belly, her head cocked. "Yeah, she hasn't stopped being restless for days now." She watched as he shifted up her shirt so he could see the way the baby was moving, he was so enthralled with it and made her smile sweetly. "I think I have just given up the idea of sleep for the next six months or so." She shrugged a little, smiling a touch. Chase had been such a good baby, slept through the night after he was a month old but she had a feeling their child wouldn't be nearly as corroporative. Her eyes moved over to Remy and Shay, tipping her head thoughtfully as she watched them. She always kind of thought Kyrian compared their relationship to Rem and Shay's a lot, compared her to Shay a lot and she felt saddened by that because she knew that she would come up lacking. Shaylin was the strongest girl she knew, the best mother, the best wife and Haylie knew she could never live up to that. She just hoped Kyrian knew that and understood it also. A low breath escaped her lips before she pushed her thoughts away - she had found herself getting more and more thoughtful as the pregnancy went on - and instead turned the laptop, pointing out the white and stone house that she had found and liked. Maryland was a nice area, so close to D.C., close to RD where Shay's family was and right on the beach.

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