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Date Posted: 19:46:05 04/25/06 Tue
Author: Mystery woman who so loves horses!
Subject: Oh man, I have been talking about spice for, ... well a long time!
In reply to: rachel 's message, "more horsey stuff lol." on 06:48:58 04/25/06 Tue

I love horses and I do plan to do all I can to be around them any time any how! As I told Sarah, II have a friend who has a friend out here with a breeding/training facility and in exchange for mucking out stalls she will let you ride! I plan on getting her number sometime in the next few weeks - I need to get a washer dryer first - can't imagine what this place would start to smell like if I started working a ranch before I have a way to wash my clothes! ANd you just keep telling horse stories - yours are better than mine - although I would guess mine are more comicall since they are about being unable to stop a pony - that's right a pony - from running off with me - a 16 hand horse witha back as wide as your couch almost rolling over in the lake with me on him, and one massive brute who I tell you has been reincarnated almost as big and with the same name as and personality as Sienna's Chief -OOOOOOOOO that horse used to get me PO'd!!!! MAN! As a charachter I did on a show would say GGGRRROOOOWWWWLLLLRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! And that is how they would write it - unless they just wanted loud and then would write (LOUD GROWL!!!) I did a lot of roaring for the microphone! LOL! - some would say I do a lot in person too! ♥

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