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Date Posted: 07:03:27 04/30/03 Wed
Author: Erica
Subject: .the perfect answer.
In reply to: .owen. 's message, ".perfection.and.nothing.less." on 01:00:02 04/30/03 Wed

Whenever he brought her into his arms and just held her, it was like riding the Raging Bull at Six Flags.. You know, there's this humongous anticipation of that first drop, and then that first drop really isn't a true drop -- and then, before you could quite actually feel bad about the non-drop, you get pulled down by gravity in practically an all-out fall. Well, that just kind of pulls your guts up to your throat and you start to get that ticklish feeling for the rest of the ride. Well, the rest of the Raging Bull is okay, but nothing compares to that first fall, nothing ever could. Well, being here was like riding that first fall - totally gut clenching and sort of making her giddy and blown away. She gives him a smile as she settles in his lap, holding the glass with loose fingers. Silly Erica -- comparing such things as rollar coasters and guys, oh well.. nothing would ever quite draw away her weirdness (or my weirdness, lol). Her head gently rests against his shoulder as her ankles cross delicately, completely and totally at ease right here. Looking mildly thoughtful on the question affront she absently takes a drink. Finally, an answer comes to her lips.. in for making him blush this time. "All the stars? Hmm.. maybe only everytime I look into your eyes." Gives a bit of a smile, completely and totally comfortable here and now -- nothing could ever take that gripper sort of feeling away from her, you'd have to say that Erica really did love rollar coasters.

[forgive me for the crappy post, I jus' got home from a meet.. kind of in the non-creativeness mood. lol, umm what happened in book #9? I forget, the entire series is just kind of blurred together in my head, haha.]

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