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Date Posted: 00:05:21 06/20/10 Sun
Author: Ben Jammin More
Subject: Quart House Paint

WTF? (Please pardon me.) MURAL? More peeling paint? We've got gangs living comfortably here. We have so many illegals that from the air it looks like an illegal ant farm! We have a government that can't... no wait... WON'T account for a single tax dollar, grant, earmarked improvement dime! BUT we can PAINT over our troubles and make big news of it too!

Now let me tell you, this stuff about a born-in-Newburgh-local "artist" wouldn't float in the Hudson if said "artist" was NOT dusky of complexion. Why? Because here we have yet another perfect Newburgh setup. Anybody who dares to say anything negative about the matter, particularly anybody of fair complexion will evoke the Newburgh cure-all-silencer: RACISM! Then you just watch. There will be dead silence followed by threats against every business and person in the city. Since the nice warm summer is here there will be street gatherings that will turn to riots. (It's the perfect excuse for them.) Even the dust bunnies will be incinerated. I just happened to notice who the initial supporter of this current fiasco is and I'm not surprised. Imagine suggesting "visitors" to the court house. Imagine anybody going there simply to "visit". OMG the BS (no pun intended) never ends!

As for the "hicks" who rule this town. Yes. They do. And they're the decendants of Clinton NC who originally came here for a handout.

Paint over that! BIAS AND PREJUDICE ALRIGHT. But the direction is ill perceived and the proof is all around here.

Now I'll get off my John Deere. It's time for a Jack Daniels and a Coors.

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