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Date Posted: Sun April 13, 2008 13:45:11
Author: Lemons
Subject: Common Place
In reply to: Comicality 's message, "Dark Question For 4/10" on Thu April 10, 2008 00:17:08

I actually had a discussion about this just a couple weeks ago. My argument was that if someone were able to 'read' anyone and everyone, they probably would not be surprized by what they found in my head. To me, my little secrets are HUGE, and I wouldn't want anyone knowing them. But a reader has probably seen it all before and it's all common place to them. They've probably seen far worse.

In part, I think being able to read would make life easier. You'd know who your friends really are before they ever open their mouths. You'd also know who your enemies are right away. This could save a whole lot of time and hurt feeling later on.

In another part, it would take the mystery out of those aspects of life. Which for some would be a blessing, for others, a curse.

For me, I'm nosey. I always want to know whats going on BEFORE it goes on. So I think I'd probably enjoy being able to read. Would it skew my view of the world? Probably not any more than it already is. In fact, it may help explain things to me in a positive way and possibly change my view for the better.

There is no doubt that people in general would get boring real fast. So I would just have to look for other mysteries to occupy my mind with. Rocks don't have thoughts, to the best of my knowledge, so maybe I'd take up geology?

The other side of the coin is: when you know what someone is thinking about someone else...do you intervene? I, for one, and I'm sure everyone else here has experienced the same thing, have given advice to people (knowing perfectly well what I was talking about) and watched them ignore the advice and have to sit back and watch them eat dust. It sucks. But I learned a long time ago not to meddle with people like that. It's best to let them learn the hard way. They'll only resent you for being right. This is the part that I think would suck the most. Knowing what people are planning and knowing that it's best to just stay out of it. At least for me, cause like I said, I'm nosey.

In the end, there are pro's and con's, just like everything else. But for myself, I think it would probably do more good than harm.

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  • Tough answer, I think.... -- Comicality, Tue April 15, 2008 02:37:20
  • Good points -- Lemons, Wed April 16, 2008 23:50:52
  • polarization -- greenmann, Thu April 17, 2008 17:19:17

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