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Subject: Re: Coles County

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Date Posted: 18:29:43 10/12/09 Mon
In reply to: BehindYou 's message, "Re: Coles County" on 13:36:36 10/11/09 Sun

>No one is being stopped from going to the club
>meetings. If you don't go, then don't complain about
>what is decided at them.
>What makes you so certain that more members come to
>these forums than go to the meetings ? What do you
>expect, a vote here in these forums !??!?!
>Btw, what other tracks have you ran ? Obviously you
>must have, since you think you can do it better.
>Also, apparently you don't realize that if you or
>someone buys the track (which can't be done), you
>would have to start paying for all the help. I
>seriously doubt that anyone would work for free for
>someone that puts the profit into their pocket (why
>else buy it ? ) and not back into the track.

I am not complaining about anything, You have three or four families that do all the work and make all the decisions for the members, it is what these families do that seem to be the issue.

No, I or the group are NOT wanting a vote on here, and I do not recall asking for one. As far as I know, The track is club owned, which means that ALL the fee paying members should have an opportunity to read this. Seemed fair to me, but if this has offended any of you, I am sincerely sorry for it.

I did not state anywhere that I thought the track was not ran correctly. And furthermore, I do not know if my group could run it any better. I do know that the money is there to run an operation of that(COLES COUNTY) size on a weekly basis. I am involved in other tracks, some in Illinois and other states. Micros are not on the forefront of these other tracks, but I can say that they would be on the top at Coles County.

As far as NOT being able to sell, I only asked a question, I am not in the business of shuting anything out. ALL things are possible. If there was a possibility to work something out, ALL these Volunteers would be paid. Remember, you only get what you pay for. The volunteer thing is great, but they are worth something. Like I said, there is only three or four families that run the show. Think of this, You go to the track, unload your HOTROD, race, collect your winnings, and then go home. No worries for the people that put the hours and hours in and never see a penny for their efforts. I, and my group thought we might have an opportunity to help out a group of racers. I have raced at Coles County in the past and I still will when I get the chance.

ALL I want to say is that I do not think Coles County is ran poorly. I do not know if my group cound run it any better either. But, This I do know, It would lessen the burden of alot of people at Coles County. And, I do know that the money would be there. Again, I am extremely sorry if this has offended any of the members of COLES COUNTY SPEEDWAY.

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Re: Coles CountyColes member20:14:41 10/12/09 Mon

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