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Date Posted: 15:10:49 09/26/13 Thu
Author: Stephanie
Subject: I forgot to add/more character thoughts...
In reply to: Stephanie 's message, "Re: Ok, here it goes..." on 02:38:17 09/26/13 Thu

Hopefully that one works. I'm not sure how I screwed up the first one, lol. This will take you directly to one of my stories so you can see about where I'm at skill wise.

I talked with my SO about character options. I think it would be pretty neat to create a few of the Mayfields (which are featured in the story I linked.) I've been experimenting with them by tweaking 'em and shoving them in different worlds, but it would be neat to see them in an environment I don't control. The sigil/Four Hevenly Kings bit (if you read that far) and the curse are not core parts of the character, but tools I used for the story. I like the idea of a curse, but the way it works in TMP is specific to that story. I will now stop rambling as if these things will make any sense before it gets out of hand, lol.

They're basically a family of witches that runs much like a secret order. Their ancestors were so good at alchemy and transmutation that they became less and less limited by their physical forms; eventually they were able to ignore the confines of physicality all together. Generations of this seems to have made them not /quite/ human. Heavy magic use and self transmutation has made their bodies more adaptable over time. Now they are most human at birth, but by the age of five their magical natures start developing and it goes into overdrive during puberty.

Next I'm going to consider how I want their curse to work at CM. :)

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