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Date Posted: 10:58:15 01/20/11 Thu
Author: Telcoltl
Subject: :-:I would like another-:-
In reply to: Emmaline 's message, "I remember the night we had, Telcoltl" on 20:47:56 01/18/11 Tue

looks like my pic needs tweaking lol

Telcoltl was one to sleep at odd hours of the day. He called them the “down” hours when nothing particularly interesting was happening in the house. Telcoltl was a thoroughly well thought out fellow and therefor always planned to be awake during “peak” hours. These hours included those bright early mornings. Normally, Theron would rise to make tea or Dimitri would wake and Telcoltl would be the first “good morning, daddy” he got to brighten his day. Sometimes, even Elijah was known to creep about in the house when he thought his annoying younger brother was sleeping. But Telcoltl lurked quietly in the study or in the living room just waiting for an opportunity. Like a cat left with the fish bowl, he was always waiting for the perfect possibility to dip a paw in and fish out a delicious reward.

So as beautiful Emmaline glided through the hall and out the back door, Telcoltl was already in pursuit. Before the door had the chance to click back into its frame, Telcoltl had slipped silently through. What better way to talk to the “forbidden” female but out away from the “forbidders”. Besides- “forbidden” was NOT a word Telcoltl actually knew the meaning of. As a matter of fact, he was already wearing Elijah's coat and hat over his dirty blonde hair.

He walked silently behind Emmaline and used her clopping through the slush to cover his own soft sloshes. She was bundled much better than Telcoltl but the thrill of the hunt kept his body silent of complaint. Now, if only she'd take a shortcut through some dark alleyway.

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