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Date Posted: 11:19:13 01/20/11 Thu
Author: Emmaline
Subject: What exactly are you wanting to occur?
In reply to: Telcoltl 's message, ":-:I would like another-:-" on 10:58:15 01/20/11 Thu

Emmaline really didn't have a clue as to where she was going. She simply wanted to get out and about and walk around. She was dressed more like the humans now so Master Dimitri and Master Elijah should have no problems with her being out...right? Yeah probably not. They would probably still send someone out to bring her back. And speaking of...

Emmaline had never been one to be paranoid. However, right now she couldn't shake the feeling that someone was following her. She caught a scent and it was familiar to her, but it seemed to be faded and tossed around too much by the wind and the snow for her to be able to pinpoint exactly who it belonged to. So she kept walking keeping her eyes ahead of her, not wanting to look back and find out who it was. She closed her eyes before opening them and moving into a dark alley hoping to throw them off. Hopefully. She moved into the alley and slowed down before coming to a stop and pressing against the wall slightly, her golden eyes peering out to see if her pursuer had lost her or not.

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