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Date Posted: 01:36:25 04/10/11 Sun
Author: Laurie Ann
Subject: :Love Experience It:
In reply to: Toby 's message, "--Never Say Never--" on 19:03:49 04/08/11 Fri

Laurie Ann held her breath as she waited for him to speak on her promise she demanded he make. She wasn’t disappointed. His hand felt warm on hers, and Laurie realized just how much she’d missed this. The connection that had been there nearly ten years ago sizzled into existence like a match on dried grass caused a fire. She’d not felt this for any other, ever. Smiling, though it wobbled under nervous energy, Laurie let out the breath of air she’d been holding as he answered. Relief a readable emotion on her face as the smile brightened on pale pink lips.

”I didn’t want you to leave the first time, I won’t want you gone again.” If she could have plausibly kept him with her at all time she would have, but they were humans, with jobs, hobbies…they’d have to spend time apart, but already in her mind she was canceling so many plans and starting new ones that revolved just around him. The first one being to cancel the buyer she was meeting with and the plane ticket she had scheduled for a month from now, for Europe. ”I’ll try not to worry, but this is a big step…it is no matter the circumstances, but especially for us.” She’d have to tell Angelina, would the brunette understand? She hoped so.

”Thank you Toby…Oh how I missed you.” And it was then that Laurie Ann did something that was not characteristic. She leaned over and kissed him. It was timid and soft, but the passion was there, hiding behind a wall of nerves that she couldn’t quite calm down. Her fiancée was back and she felt like dancing on cloud nine, even if they had a long journey ahead of them first.

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