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Date Posted: 18:44:24 10/13/13 Sun
Author: Jorgen Nasche
Subject: .Timeless.

This is my design...

Though the night was perfectly calm and clear, with curtain of bright stars gleaming softly in their blanket of navy velvet, a streak of lightening seared the sky. It was blindingly bright and white-hot in heat, and it was followed by a sonic boom that made glass shudder in the home of its panes. The effect was instantaneous, over almost as soon as it had started...leaving no evidence in it's wake.

None except, for a very nude male in a dirty and forgotten alley way.

A very nude, very unconscious male, with a small trickle of blood dripping from the corner of his rather full and exotic lips. Despite the chill of the evening, the male showed little signs of life beside the steady rise and fall of his chest as he breathed. To any passerby (not that any were present in the current early morning hours) he would appear to be no more than a homeless and drunk bum. No one would suspect that the unclothed creature in the alley was a refugee of a war nearly 70 years in the past. No one would suspect he had crossed a barrier no other had crossed before.

And soon, he would wake. Wake to the horror of a futuristic land, one only speculated about in science fiction. A place where nothing and no one would make a bit of sense.

But for now, he remained in the bliss of unconsciousness, suspended somewhere between the span of lifetimes past and those to come.


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