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Date Posted: 00:14:19 10/15/13 Tue
Author: Ann Hemming
Subject: .Timeless.
In reply to: Jorgen Nasche 's message, ".Timeless." on 18:44:24 10/13/13 Sun

Stilettos clicked out a steady rhythm on the pavement as she headed from the bar towards her car. She knew better than to park her baby anywhere near the bar, anywhere near anything that had any activity after dark. So she tucked the classic mini away in front of the old hardware store, knowing that with the store closed for the night few would be near by to damage her. Painted nails dug deep into her purse, fishing out the keys when lightening split the sky. Lighting up the street as if she suddenly stood on the strip of Las Vagas. The thunder that followed shook the very ground, shocking her enough to have her dropping her keys.

It took a good deal to shock this particular bartender, and quite a bit more to startle her like a mere girl. But when the sky turned from a cool, clear winter night to blinding lightening and thunder so loud it shook the pavement? That seemed to be enough. Scooping her keys from the ground, she scented the air on instinct, dark brow arched. The scent of ozone was typical when a storm was over, but she had never smelt it with so little activity in the sky. And never so strong! But, there was something else, something even stranger, stronger. Palming her keys, her grey gaze slid around the empty street, drawing in a deep breath as she narrowed down the location of that odd smell.

That skilled nose led her to the alley across the street, where the scent of burnt ozone was fading but had been so very strong moments ago. And there, in a heap on the dirty ground, was a body. No, not a body, but a man. A live man, from the steady, if shallow, rise and fall of his ribs. Stepping closer, Ann crouched down to draw in a better scent. Human, and in need of a bath, badly. But there was something odd in his scent, something that reminded her of old books and long locked doors. Something old... Strange

Those grey eyes began to shift to a brilliant blue as she let in her other half, let the wolf try to pick the scent apart into something discernible, something she could put a finger on. Reaching out, she poked at the man with her keys, hoping to draw out some new odor to assist her. He couldn't possibly wake up. Right?

• S E C R E T •
• W O L F •

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