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Subject: ..::Outlaw Torn::..

Ronon Dex
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Date Posted: 15:11:29 12/11/09 Fri
In reply to: Lyla 's message, "..Aha Foe! So we meet again!.." on 08:37:06 12/11/09 Fri

Ronon stood for a long moment and listened to Verda's words, turning them over in his head for alternate meanings and loopholes. He wasn't able to find any, and Lyla's words sealed the deal for him. If she trusted this Wolf, had pledged herself to her for protection, than he would accept that. Though he wasn't about to trust the Wolf, not yet... The simple fact that she wasn't reacting to him like most Wolves gave him a small glimmer of hope that she was different. But then maybe she was just waiting till the Pack recollected before she turned on him...

As Lyla lead him to the small couch across from Verda, he allowed himself to relax slightly. He was no longer expecting a fight, but he would be ready to defend himself and Lyla should the need arise. As he settled back onto the couch he slung an arm over the back behind Lyla's shoulders, straightened his legs out and crossed them at the ankle. A very feline pose, one that showed his willingness to give this Wolf a try. "All right... Verda. I'll extend to you the same courtesy..." Till you give me a reason to retract it...

He fingered a lock of Lylas blond hair, his gaze drifting from Verda to her. "You still want to go out tonight?" He questioned, not sure where he would fall in her priorities now that her alpha was back. If she wasn't willing to keep him occupied, he might end up drowning his troubles in the bar again... And he might work up the spine to confront his old man if he got enough in him.

Sometimes I feel like Jesse James
Still tryin' to make a name
Knowing nothing's gonna change what I am
I was a young troubadour
when I rode in on a song
I'll be an old troubadour
when I'm gone

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::Leader of the Pack::Verda Thorne15:28:41 12/11/09 Fri

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