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Subject: ::Leader of the Pack::

Verda Thorne
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Date Posted: 15:28:41 12/11/09 Fri
In reply to: Ronon Dex 's message, "..::Outlaw Torn::.." on 15:11:29 12/11/09 Fri

A slow smile pulled at my lips as the pair settled into the settee. At least the male was willing to see reason, and not react out of line. I watched the pair, listeningn to Ronon's response with a bland interest. A slight nod was given when he'd finished having his word in regards to the whole matter at hand... and then he was directing his attention to Lyla. A small muscle in the small of my back loosened, the only tension i'd been aware of in my entire body. I turned my attention away from the pair, and let my gaze roam over the room... Lyla had done a good job of keeping it clean and homely. My skin twitched at the warmth the fire put off, and i repressed a shiver. It was good to be back, to be in a familiar place, with someone at least a little familiar.. but i wondered where the rest of my family had disappeared to, and if they would hear my silent call if i issued it.

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(ooc)Loo04:20:49 12/12/09 Sat

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