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Subject: †. l e t s. g e t. l o s t .†

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Date Posted: 19:37:24 01/02/12 Mon
In reply to: Seth 's message, "..}Not Strong Enough{.." on 18:21:57 01/02/12 Mon

Nev didn't even want to entertain thoughts of the holidays...while the prospect of visiting family--of visiting Seth--had been alluring, she knew it was likely not going to be in the cards for her. She would probably spend Christmas hunched over a microscope, or buried in paperwork...all in effort to keep her mind and her hands busy so she wouldn't have time to be sad over the fact that she wasn't across the nation. She could imagine just how sexy he would look, gearing up for a hunt, donned in hunting apparel with his rifle in hand. How she'd love to spend the holiday holed up in a cabin somewhere, a fire crackling in the fireplace as he hunted--then to spend the evenings making memories under a blanket with him. A soft sigh escaped her at the fantasy. "Hunting something other than criminals....interesting." She commented with a smirk, mildly surprised but quite glad that he actually took time for himself.

She couldn't help the laugh that escaped her at the way he mentioned yoga, as if it was some odd-tasting food on his tongue. Her tawny gaze danced with amusement as she focused it on him, a slender hand lifted to coyly hide the grin on her lips. "I'm more of a cardio girl myself. Kickboxing, usually...but I've been known to enjoy a Yoga session or two on my lazier days." She shook her head, still chuckling lightly. "I'll be sure research it when I get back though. I doubt I'll find a Yoga that caters to those muscles, though."

She fell silent as he guided the Jeep towards the airport, not trusting herself to keep the waver of emotion from her voice. She was struck again by just how quickly her time with him had passed...when she had first met him, the month that spanned in their future had seemed like it would never draw to a close. Those carefree days had slipped away from them, one by one...until all they'd been left with was this. This one final moment, this goodbye. She felt her vision burn and a lump begin to form in her throat as he pulled the Jeep up to the curb, and fought with everything she had to will away those tears. She'd allow herself the time to cry once she was settled in the plane...for now, she needed to maintain a level head. Slowly, she let herself out of the car, hugging her jacket tightly around her as he unloaded her bags from the back. She very nearly jumped at the sound of the tailgate closing, pursing her lips as he turned to her. "I guess I wouldn't complain too much if they decided to close it for the day..." She offered him a little smirk, knowing that even if the weather did cancel her flight, it would only delay the inevitable. Best to take care of it quick, like ripping off a band aid.

She peered up at him from beneath a fringe of long, dark lashes...much as she'd done the night she'd first decided to kiss him. That had been one of the best--if not the best--nights of her life...one she knew she'd never forget. Hell, if she thought hard enough, she was sure she could even recall the taste of his beer on his lips the moment she'd pressed hers to his.

Swallowing hard, she suddenly grasped the front of his shirt tightly and stood on her tip-toes, closing the distance as she kissed him. If this was the last she'd see of him--at least, for a long while...she had every intention of making it count. She savored the feel of his mouth on hers, the warmth of his tongue as she twirled hers over it, the total masculine taste of him. Her slender fingers rose to entwine a final time in his unruly hair--something she'd done often in their time together. She kissed him thoroughly...ravenously...like a woman saying goodbye.

When it was over, she took a moment to steady herself before raising her gaze to take in his pale one. She offered a small smile, her cheeks flushed a rosy hue from the cold. "I'll miss you, Seth. I'll miss you a lot." She reached to brush a rebel strand of hair from his forehead, her smile sad but deep. "Thank you...for everything. I had the time of my life with you...and I mean that." She pressed her hand to his cheek, savoring that last touch. "I hope you find yourself a great girl. After all...you're my perfect 10." She patted him, emotion flooding her gaze as she dropped it away to peer at her bags, focusing on the lock of her suitcase as she willed away the tears.


Touch me I'm cold
Unable to control
Touch me I'm golden
And wild as the wind blows
And tumbling tumbling
Don't go, fascination
If just for tonight darling,
.L e t s. g e t. l o s t.

†2010 Dodge Challenger†
†Furious Fuchsia†

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..}Not Strong Enough{..Seth21:26:43 01/02/12 Mon

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