He chuckled and nodded at her request, it was the least he could do. Him and his silver tongue, impressing women from coast to coast since 1981. "I usually steal away up here for a week over the holidays, do some hunting" He'd had better luck with those hunts since he'd hired Craig as one of his extra deputy's deputy, though he swore he had nothing to do with Seth's 'good luck'. He'd seen the wolves watching from the bushes, stalking along with him in the snowy woods. It hadn't escaped his notice that more game found him than he found them... But he wasn't complaining. It was nice to know they were there, to have the company without any demands being made on either side.
He chuckled as she admitted to enjoying their form of working out as much as he had. She was right too, it really was so much better than his old workout. He knew he'd work himself into the ground for at least a month, trying to convince his body this was how it was supposed to be. He'd likely bulk up even more in that time, trying to fight off the dreams with utter exhaustion. He knew he could count on Sabrina to hold down the fort if he fell behind, if he wasn't at the top of his game. If anything, most of the town respected her more than they did him. Though her respect was based more from fear and awe of what she was, while his had been hard earned over the last decade.
"I'm sure there's some sort of Yoga for that" He said the word 'yoga' like it was another language. some foreign concept she might know about. Gods knew he had no idea what it was. He'd once thought it was some sort of stretches, but after having to sit through half an hour of some lady trying to correct his error, he wasn't sure what it was now. He did know that women liked it, but that was about it.
His cold gaze slid to the lights coming up on their left, wishing for the first time that the damn airport was farther away from cascade. He exited the highway, heading towards the airport and the inevitable departure of the woman beside him. He pulled the jeep up the the curb, flicking his hazards on as he cut the engine. He forced himself to get out of the truck, forced himself to keep his cool and give her a good sendoff. Opening the tailgate, he unloaded her bags onto the cold but thankfully dry sidewalk. Slamming the tailgate a bit too hard before he finally turned towards her, a smirk on his lips. "Good thing the storms holding off, they like to close this airport for the slightest reason"
I'm not strong enough to stay away Can't run from you I just run back to you Like a moth I'm drawn in to your flame Say my name, but it's not the same You look in my eyes I'm stripped of my pride And my soul surrenders and you bring my heart to its knees
And it's killin' me when you're away, I wanna leave and I wanna stay I'm so confused,So hard to choose Between the pleasure and the pain And I know it's wrong, and I know it's right Even if I try to win the fight, my heart would overrule my mind And I'm not strong enough to stay away |