For the smell of fear tonight
Wakes an ancient lust that will not be denied...
You're mine
The eerie blue of his gaze shot up, the intensity in their depths leaving no room for doubt on his fervent disagreement with her plan. "If these creatures be as powerful as these papers suggest, such an idea would be a mission of suicide!" He almost snarled at her, tossing the folder forth on the coffee table, papers scattering. "I condemn it!" His voice picked up another notch, a cord having obviously been struck in the unpredictable male. He knew he must not allow himself to succumb to rage, for the beast would surely wake...it did so love to feed upon negative emotions. It fueled the monster within, made it strong. "This tactic was employed long before we knew the capabilities of our opponents! I was unable to thwart their plan, these years ago! What kind of lunacy has you believing you could thwart it even now?" He was on his feet in the next instant, massive fists balled at his sides as he stared down at her.
He had no worry for himself. The worst they could do to him had run it's course long ago--leaving him as a monster, but also a formidable opponent. Cammie was human...there was far too much risk for him to stomach. All it would take was a single slip, a single lack of of control over the situation...and it would be over for her. She would turn into the insatiable beast he had become, and would be forced to live with that on his conscious for the eternity that dawned before him. "They will expect an attack, especially if they are playing high on the ranks in the homeland. They will be prepared. To be rash is to die." He barely glanced at the sheet she held, outlining the proposed living quarters of the beasts. "You are educated. You are strong. You have much by way of weapons. But they? Pure evil. No amount of preparation will arm you for that." He practically spit the words out at he began to pace, his agitation in full force. "I felt the power. I felt the force. I will not watch you hand them your life in such a way. This is my condition. Do not force my hand to other actions, comrade. It will no naught but endanger both of us."
For the animal's soul is mine
We will be completed right before your eyes
I have no control this time
And now we both shall dine in hell tonight