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Subject: : Shadows Haunt Me :

Cammie Hajoysky
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Date Posted: 00:31:05 01/16/12 Mon
In reply to: Erich Malcovosk 's message, "‡Monster.I've.Become‡" on 05:14:29 01/13/12 Fri

They were much alike, even now, both proud and loyal beings. Tied to one another out of loyalty and devotion as much as the passion and drive for the mission…this is what they were made for. Or so they had been. Cammie knew a lot of went on in her comrade’s mind, but not all of it. No to do that would be supernatural and she was not but there were ways his icy shown that gave away the keys to secrets few could ever read. She respected him and because of this she did not press more on his change and why she’d never asked of his torture.

As Erich took up the information on the dominus that she’d provided she listened to his words. Nodding in agreement when he said they’d been given no such name before. ”I do not think he was known to the motherland, that or he has someone high up deep in pocket.” As soon as the words were out she frowned a curse given as she thought of this for a time. That would make sense. The reason they had been compromised and ambushed. Someone from within their former government had betrayed them. The fact left a bitter taste and she quickly reached to down it with her third shot of vodka of the morning.

She would have taken another when she had to admit there was no answer to his question as to why they wished them divided. ”I do not know. Though I suspect it is for the very reason you are as you are now.” She opened her mouth as if to add the same had nearly been her fate as well, but didn’t. Knowing to mention the risk to her life even then would be enough to threaten Erich into terminating the plan before it had even begun. So she kept quiet on the matter. The hypotheses he spoke of made sense and she took up another sheet from the folder as she eyed it trying to put strings to the information that she’d poured over for years now. ”Aye, this is promising.” A hand touching the gem at her neck again, now how did one go about killing a demi-god?

She was contemplating this idea as Erich poured over the folder she’d given. Once he seemed to have gathered all the information he could he asked her the most direct question, as was expected. Here she paused, for their normal route would be to divide and conquer. To each go after one and meet up once the other eliminated. It had served them well in the past and so she knew it would again, she just needed to convince him of this. ”I have some information on how to deal with basic supernatural kinds. There is information on dealing with soul eaters too, but the two we are after you are right comrade. They be something far worse than normal breeds. Stealth and ambush we will need to employee just as they did on us. They will not know they are being hunted now for there is no leak to warn them.” She halted here, glancing from the paperwork to the stone and icy figure on the couch. Trying to read his face and for a second time coming up empty in such a short time. There was no reason to hesitate. She would tell him the plan.

”Divide in conquer.” Hand held up to halt the dismal of the plan on his lips, continuing. ”You seek revenge on the one who made you this. And I a completion to the mission we started so long ago. We have used this tactic before and I feel it is the best option now. Together you would be forced to divide between both of them and watch my back.” Aye she knew he thought her a liability now and was working the plan to benefit his success over her own safety. ”You will take Jarilo and I Triglov. We will strike at noon when the sun is high, weakening them to our advantage.” At this point she pulled a folded paper from her pocket and laid it out for him to see. Here was the blue print of the compound she believed both to be staying. It was a two story building with minimal windows a warehouse of sorts. There was little walls in the bottom floor but the second had been conveyed into living arrangements. Erich would breech from the west and she the east. They would converge in the middle once their enemy was eliminated. If all went as planned they should be out in a matter of an hour. As she’d also accounted for dismembering and burning of bodies once eliminated to ensure no ghostly returns. ”This is the plan. Do you agree to it comrade? If so we can move as early as tomorrow.” She’d need to buy some more supplies once this meeting was over, but other than that she was ready.

If only she knew that fate had another plan for them.


Cammie Hajoysky

It's a devil's disguise

Angel in black

I don't know if I want you back

You're the cool nights of the desert

And the hot kisses of the sun

Why is it that I don't believe you

When you say I'm the only one

I know I'm the lonely one

It's a devil's disguise

Angel in black

And I recognize the shadows from your past

It's a devil's disguise

Angel in black

2010 Marussia B1

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‡Monster.I've.Become‡Erich Malcovosk10:47:17 02/19/12 Sun

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