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Subject: Religion no for the EU

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Date Posted: 02/21/03 3:37am
In reply to: QUITTNER 's message, "Religion yes or no?" on 02/18/03 11:59am

from QUITTNER: As I understand it, having a religion OBLIGES one (in theory at least) to conform to certain rules and regulations that are designed to make people "better".

>>> agreed … but does religion actually make people better? Just because a group of people think their way is best doesn’t mean it is.

from QUITTNER: Don't you want to "make" people "better"??? Even in the EU?

>>> I consider that question patronizing.

from QUITTNER: Yes, but some members of some faiths are (bitter?) enemies of the members of other faiths.

>>> as I said leave them out …. why install the conflict?

from QUITTNER: I would opt for clergy and their institutions to be held responsible for all of their members' criminal activities, as defined by the secular authoritie, if criminal activity is proven to be advocated openly or covertly by clergy.

>>> Unfortunately I don’t think that will ever happen. Plus I’m not sure what you mean? … are you saying to include religion in the EU constitution but put more restrictions or scrutiny on them?

Democracy is secular; it is designed for all people… that’s the point of it… and christianity is not for all people … christians weren’t around when democracy began. So why should a brand new and very modern form of co-operative government include any of the innumerable faiths.

This is a chance for people to live in a more equal and harmonious society … religion doesn’t respect the freedom of those who are different... and this a great chance to push it to the back blocks … where it belongs.

from QUITTNER: Not only in the EU! Compare with religious fanatics that are terrorists and who intend to hurt or even kill quite innocent people.

>>> in that sentence which is on the subject of religion you also mention the words: fanatics, terrorists, hurt and kill.

>>> I rest my case

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In a democracy the people should decide on the contents of the constitutionQUITTNER02/21/03 2:26pm

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