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Saturday, March 15, 05:36:10amLogin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 12345678[9]10 ]
Subject: Religion yes or no?

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Date Posted: 02/18/03 11:59am
In reply to: ozboy 's message, "Everything is made by people, not by God." on 02/18/03 8:26am

ozboy, you wrote, in part: >>> instead of taking my pick between religions...why not choose none? <<<
..... As you wish - As I understand it, having a religion OBLIGES one (in theory at least) to conform to certain rules and regulations that are designed to make people "better".

>>> The future economy and well-being of EU member countries in reliant on people... so no need to include god. <<<
.... Don't you want to "make" people "better"??? Even in the EU?

>>> then shouldn't something that, in your words "causes a lot of troubles" be omitted? ... it would leave no room for mis-interpretation.?! If you include one you must include all - so include none. ... Let the real world look after itself, this is what they're trying to do. If religion is mentioned it should say something like ... all beliefs are equal under the EU flag .. or .. religious freedom is a right for all. Include the right of people to practise faith without including the faith itself. <<<
..... Yes, but some members of some faiths are (bitter?) enemies of the members of other faiths. I would opt for clergy and their institutions to be held responsible for all of their members' criminal activities, as defined by the secular authorities, if criminal activity is proven to be advocated openly or covertly by clergy. Not only in the EU! Compare with religious fanatics that are terrorists and who intend to hurt or even kill quite innocent people.

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Religion no for the EUozboy02/21/03 3:37am

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