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Date Posted: 13:56:03 02/04/25 Tue
Author: Edward
Subject: Re: A flood of memories
In reply to: Robert 's message, "Re: A flood of memories" on 11:04:47 02/04/25 Tue

>>My girlfriend and her mother started me with girdles
>>around 1965.
>Please tell us how your girlfriend and her mother
>"started" you with girdles. Was it you just knew they
>were wearing a girdle, or maybe you saw them in a
>girdle. Did they give you the opportunity to wear one
>for the first time? Curious what you meant.

Quite the opposite of getting found out.
My gorgeous girlfriend in 7th grade had invited me over several times for lunch during the summer. One day she made the statement that men were wimps because they could never stand wearing a girdle all day. 90 to 100 degree temps and little air conditioning. Her mom thought it was a fair question and agreed. Back then, every girl in school wore a girdle and stockings or sometimes a garter belt and stockings. About 2 weeks later, I was over and her mom told me let's find out if you are a wimp or not. Oh my lord, she pulled out a Playtex 18 hour girdle and said are you a wimp? After more embarrassment than I could stand, 'Mom' convinced me and I took the challenge and put it on and lasted all day. Even today, I can still feel that wonderful feeling. Gosh the smell of the heavy duty fleece lined rubber sent me crazy. She gave me the girdle and told me to wear it as often as I liked and expected me to wear it at their house. I had an easy time keeping it a secret at home, if my mom found out about it she never said a word. So in 8th grad my sisters and brothers didn't get out of school for a full hour after I was home. At that point I was enamored with the stockings laying in a heap on the laundry pile. I just had to try snapping the garters myself. Every girdle then had 2 or 3 garters per leg at that time and I snapped all garters on each stocking. I was hopelessly addicted. Back then, most stockings were non-stretch between 5 and 20 denier and it was complete ecstasy. Nothing could compare to that luxurious glide down your legs. Now, at 55 years later I only wear girdles, corsets, stockings and long line bra's, no more boys underwear. I might add that all 8 of my children think it is just fine and 7 out of the 8 wear girdles (boys included). The girlfriend is long gone but her mother and I were very close for a long time after.

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