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Subject: Misbehaving rev counter. | |
Author: Bob P |
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Date Posted: Thu, Mar 07 2013, 10:52:37 GMT The rev counter on my Rotax 582 Pulsar has always been slightly suspect. Whenever I did a mags test, the rpm drop on one side was always around 200rpm whilst on the other side it was negligible. However the change in engine note sounds identical between the two sides. I ran the engine up a couple of days ago and at 4000 rpm the mags check gave a zero drop on one side and a 1000rpm drop on the other side, but (as above) the change in engine note sounded identical. I did a WOT ground test and only saw 5000rpm (normally 6000 rpm with my prop setup). But the engine sounded just fine. I did an aborted takeoff followed by a real flight and the distance to getting airborne was normal so I conclude the engine is fine but the taco is reading low. I guess the cause of the problem must be inside the engine’s mags/alternator coils as all the wiring from engine to the taco is the same whether left right or both mags are on. Has anyone else seen anything similar or does anyone have any ideas? Bob [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
Subject | Author | Date |
Tacho Problems | Captain Pulsar | Fri, Mar 08 2013, 19:57:44 GMT |
And Another Thing! | Captain Pulsar | Fri, Mar 08 2013, 20:23:14 GMT |
Tacho Probs | Alan Gill | Sun, Mar 10 2013, 11:58:23 GMT |
Misbehaving rev counter | Bob P | Tue, Mar 12 2013, 11:45:12 GMT |
Tacho Problems | Alan Gill | Fri, Mar 22 2013, 11:25:32 GMT |