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Date Posted: 00:47:10 02/02/03 Sun
Author: Fern
Subject: \\\What if the world really is black and white, and we just see it in color because we want to?///
In reply to: Jeleta 's message, ":)" on 16:18:34 02/01/03 Sat

Startled by one of the other candidate's movements near her, Fern turns towards Jasmine. The woman seemed angry. Realizing that she must have sensed Fern's thoughts a sigh escapes her lips. Her words were not meant to offend, and she did not want to make an enemy here, in this sacred place. Not wasting any time, the Coinshifter moves over to stand next to the woman. A calm gaze is turned to the woman's vae. She has more than one! Careful to not show surprise in her movements or expressions, Fern continues her steady stare. This look relaxed most vae and other animals. Fern flicks a brief grin towards the graceful beings, and then focuses on Jasmine. She speaks softly to not frighten the Kilven cubs. "I am sorry if you found my feelings rude. I did not mean to offend you at all. It is just that sometimes I cannot help but feel annoyance when something is done that should not have been." She lets an apologetic look leap across her face. Then her own anger at what she had read on Jasmine's face shows itself. "Sometimes all that I know about Kilven and other things can show itself too readily." Fern makes a point on the fact that she knows much about Kilven. She would not be insulted about her intelligence. As quickly as it came, the anger dissipates. Fern offers a soft smile at Jasmine, calm once more. "I repeat, I did not mean to offend you."

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