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Date Posted: 17:02:45 02/07/03 Fri
Author: Rehvah
Subject: (;D
In reply to: Tenji 's message, "=|=" on 15:00:20 02/07/03 Fri

A low chord rises from by a wall, half-hidden from those gathered in the bar. T'is a beautiful sound, notes slurring like waves from six deft fingers. Quietly at first, words follow the tune, tenor and lilting, though clearly masculine. They are spoken in some foreign, purring idiom. And two warm brown eyes set into a snowy head scan around, strange sounds still sighing from his toothy maw. When the Tokathe draws his bittersweet song to a close, he strides forward, tail sweeping behind him gracefully, a small harp cradled in his loving arms. One well-timed jump sends his lanky from atop the counter, slender footpaws making but a quiet thump. Rehvah the bard gives a low, elegant bow, smiling casually to the two ladies and shooting a fleeting glance of warning to Renus. After all, it's the harper's job to flirt. Anyone could tell you that.

"Ah, do not listen to this ruffian, m'ladies...he is clearly unworthy of thy charming words..."

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