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Date Posted: 15:11:04 07/12/02 Fri
Author: [ Ritaki & Aliae
Subject: ....
In reply to: K'nde - Dimor 's message, "::_::" on 16:01:10 07/10/02 Wed

The magnificent gold back winged neatly, landing near the Vae tree, eyes lazily whirling a cobalt to match her Linked's. So the little flits were coming back, were they? Well, the creatures were rather amusing, so long as they understood to leave you alone whilst you were taking a nap, and she had been careful to drill the concept into the youngsters’ heads the instant they had hatched. Hopefully, they would not have forgotten… Then again, she might have to remind them, considering that she was no longer the towering queen she once was. Not that she disliked this form, rather to the contrary. It was far more convenient, especially now that there was no thread to battle…

Her rider, Ritaki, dismounted carefully, still getting used to the considerably smaller volume of her beloved companion. Eight feet in height was a rather significant change... Easier, she supposed, but much, much different. Now, where to find Sitoru and Azer... She whistled, a long, low note, with a short upwards run at the end. Something stirred in the branches above her head, then two little bolts of color dived for her shoulders, crooning enthusiastically. She chuckled, scratching the heads of her little friends. The blue, Sitoru, flicked his tail at the bronze, who hissed in irritation and the fluttered up from her left shoulder, which Sitoru promptly occupied. Azer then landed on her right shoulder, and the pair resumed to croon. She had always thought it was strange how their little hierarchy worked – rather than the bronze being dominant, as was usual, it was the blue. The nineteen year old supposed it was because Sitoru had been full grown when she got Azer’s egg… ‘twas still strange, however.

Suddenly, a figure leaning against the base of the tree caught her eye, her heart, and a memory. No, surely it couldn’t be… But it was, and before she knew what she was doing, she was running faster than she ever had in her life, tears streaming down her face, flits screeching in complaint as they struggled to retain their perches upon her shoulders. K’ndelek… Ever since that fateful day when ‘lieth had been caught in threadfall and downed, she had never dared to dream she would see him again. She practically collapsed at his feet, unable to speak through the tears of sorrow, joy, and pure overwhelming emotion. K’ndelek, her beloved… She had thought he was dead! And now, to see him again was almost too much.

She wept.

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