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Subject: Re: I'm gonna get a spanking

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 06:44:02 09/20/24 Fri
In reply to: Emmie Sue 's message, "My new life" on 06:56:05 09/01/24 Sun

I('m feeling much better. My ears are still close and I've got a headache, but other than that, pretty good.
Last night before night night Shelby said "Well, you look like you're feeling much better." Then she got closer and said "Since you took a shower this morning...you probably don't need one tomorrow." and she had this look about her like she wanted me to be, kind of um, natural so she could kind of humiliate me, which I'm not completely opposed to (in private anyway). Then she was touching my face and hair and said "I'm glad you're feeling better, because we have a few things we need to discuss." She didn't look mad so I'm guessing she's, you know, ready to go. So am I. I get so horny when I'm sick and I'm ready for fun, even if it burns my little butt.

I didn't get much sleep last night. This morning she came down with the wooden spoon in her hand looking more seductive than mad. She said she was going to work and not to make any plans tonight. "Now, I want to make sure you're going to be a good little today. Turn around." She said this actually kissing the wooden spoon. Laying on my tummy in my jammie jams with my butt as a target I felt a little scared and a lot excited. Smack, smack, smack! She probably smacked my poor little bottom with that evil tool 10 times and it fucking hurt. She kissed me and again told me to be a good girl. That was over half an hour ago and my bottom is still burning, but it's a great burn, not like the real spanking I got. I don't know what she has in mind tonight, but I know I'm not really in trouble and I can't wait!!!

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[> [> Subject: Re: I'm gonna get a spanking

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 06:45:09 09/20/24 Fri

And btw, I AM going to be a very good girl, because I don't want her mad at me.

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[> [> Subject: Re: I'm gonna get a spanking

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 06:47:18 09/20/24 Fri

I know she's playing and we're just going to play spanking games, but I'm pretty sure she was serious about being a good girl. I don't want play to turn into the real thing. And besides, I HATE it when Shelby is mad at me.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: I'm gonna get a spanking

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 07:04:14 09/20/24 Fri

I'm going to make this house sparkle and shine today and Shelby will be very surprised. I might even clean up my apartment, but I doubt it. God I can't wait for tonight!!!

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I'm gonna get a spanking

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 07:05:44 09/20/24 Fri

And btw, along with being sick I had that other thing and now I don't, so BRING IT ON!!!

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I'm gonna get a spanking

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Date Posted: 08:03:22 09/20/24 Fri

What other thing? Are you ashamed of being a young woman? Are you hinting at a menstrual period? Be grateful for your healthy youth. So many have big trouble being able to have a baby naturally. That's why IVF is such a wonderful invention.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I'm gonna get a spanking

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 08:41:23 09/20/24 Fri

Alfred! Excuse me! But yeah. There are certain things you can't do that now I can. But can you be a little more discreet?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Spanking ect.

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 18:59:36 09/21/24 Sat

Shelby basically told me not to take a shower because I had done so Thursday morning. So I took that to mean that she wanted me to be 'natural', so I didn't. It was all for Shelby anyway because I only went to the store for a little while so it wan't like I was on display. I spent the entire day Friday cleaning the house. I mean really cleaning it which besides the odor of fresh cleanser and ammonia, I'm sure I was pretty 'natural' when she got home. In the afternoon she sent me a message saying that I probably wouldn't want to invite my 'little girl friend' (as she put it) over unless I would like to be embarrassed in front of her. This kind of sent mixed messages and gave me kind of shivers because I was sure she just had a fun night of play spankings and love making, but I wasn't sure, like maybe I was really in trouble. So seriously I worked really really hard to make the house sparkle.

When Shelby got home, I think she was in shock. She went from room to room with her mouth open. She put her hands on my head and I'm sure I had a smile like a doofus and she said "This is beautiful." Then she said "This is beautiful and so are you." Then she kissed me, like deep and we sucked faces moving to the couch and we made out.

Somewhere along the way she started smelling me all over and (seductively) saying things like "Oh you stink. Oh you dirty, stinky little girl. I'm sure you haven't had a bath in days. What do naughty, dirty, stinky little get when they don't take a bath? They get their naughty dirty little bottoms spanked and spanked hard." We were getting really heavy and hot and she was giving my bottom some slaps when there was a knock on the door. I guess Shelby had forgotten she ordered pizza and wings. We were like "Noooooo!" The pizza girl was really cute with a pony tail in a baseball hat and she looked like she just wanted to get the heck out of there. And btw, Shelby tipped really well.

I think Shelby was trying to get me drunk because I thought she was slamming beers and I thought that was really weird because I thought she quit. So she picked up her beer and brought out what I thought was one for both of us so I was trying to keep pace to be cool. It took about another 24 hours for me to realize that she had the same beer to like 3 of mine.

We didn't have our minds much on eating. We went back to what we were doing before the door knocked. Somehow we ended up on the couch with me over her lap. She was rubbing my butt all over saying like "Oh Emmie Sue, you make me crazy. You're such a naughty, dirty girl." But she wasn't saying it like she was mad at me. Idk, I've never really done anything like this before, so how the hell do I know how these things go. "I'm going to give you a good spanking you naughty girl." I felt a slap on my right butt. It stung but it felt so good. Then a few seconds later on my left butt. This went on for what seemed like forever. I was still in my jammie jams and they went to my knees and later my panties to my knees. Getting slapped on my bare bottom really hurt and it seemed like she was spanking harder. And then she'd like really spank me until it just hurt bad. She was really good about stopping when I said so, but it was like neither of us could get enough. It just seemed like it just went on for hours and then I started to realize that my butt was REALLY on fire and it was really hurting and I REALLY wanted it to stop.
So Shelby rubbed my butt and my boobies and all over. Then I saw the hairbrush in my face. "No, no, no, no!" Shelby said that when I get a REAL spanking I'm gonna get the hairbrush, so after some negotiation we settled on 6 swats. OW! I couldn't believe how much that hurt. My experiments with self spanking were piddly. Then on my left butt. "No more, no more, no more!" She gave me 2 more and didn't give me the full 6, just 4 and that was way more than enough. Doth thou protest when she showed me the bathbrush. "Just 2. Okay, just 2 because when you get a real spanking, you'll get a lot more than 2." I mean, what was I going to do? She gave my little burning bottom 2 quick hard smacks and I'm sure my yells could be heard 2 blocks down. Those actually brought tears to my eyes.

She soothed me in various ways and we ended up on the floor doing things I can't say on here. Then it got around to me being stinky again and she took me to give me a bath. My burning bottom in the hot water burned so bad but felt soooooo good and her soapy all over me. OMG! I never knew things like this were even possible. I wanted to go out to the street naked and shout "I'm a lesbian! I'm a spanko lesbian!" I also want to shout "I'm in love with SHELBY!!!" but I got to keep my head about that. We both craved more spankings, so after she cleaned me EVERYWHERE and she dried me off and put my jammie jams back on she took me back to the couch and SPANKED me but not fast or hard. Somehow we ended up in her bed and I woke this morning in her arms and my butt was REALLY sore, but sublimely sore.

I don't know if I described this whole thing chronologically or accurately because I think I was a little drunk and it all happened so fast and just was like a dream. Except that my butt is still a little sore, I'm not sure it even happened at all.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking ect.

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Date Posted: 20:14:00 09/21/24 Sat

You know, when I spanked the girl I told you about, I gave her dozens of swats with my bathbrush.

:) Just think on that.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking ect.

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 21:02:18 09/21/24 Sat

DOZENS??? As in 24, 36...? I mean, I already got spanked pretty good with her hand. You don't think Shelby has anything like that in mind for me, do you? That girl you spanked though, she was used to it, right?

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking ect.

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 21:08:50 09/21/24 Sat

Hey, Miss Thea...would you like to give her a bath? I LOVE it when Shelby gives me a bath, even when the soap goes somewhere that's not so pleasant.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking ect.

Aunt Nat
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Date Posted: 07:15:53 09/22/24 Sun

Seriously though, dozens with a bathbrush? That was one sorry young lady. I would like to hear more about this and possibly get some pointers as I may very soon be giving a young lady a good spanking soon myself. Perhaps on another thread.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking ect.

Aunt Nat
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Date Posted: 07:18:45 09/22/24 Sun

Sounds like you had a fun day and night. Did you clean the house just as a thank you to Shelby or moreso because you were afraid you were in for a real spanking? Either way, you did it and that was very nice of you.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking ect.

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 08:14:03 09/22/24 Sun

No mam, I cleaned it because I wanted to do it for Shelby. And thank you.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking ect.

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 08:50:00 09/22/24 Sun

So Shelby was out last night, I pressume on a date of sorts. I wasn't real happy about that, but I have to remember our friends with benefits arrangement. That's when I wrote that up there. I'm trying to deal with my feelings of being in love with her, but not being in love with her.

So this morning I was just hanging around in my apartment and Shelby came down we greeted each other and she told me to roll over and she was going to look at my butt. She said it was a little bit bruised, not bad though and she carressed my butt and stuff and layed with me and said "Oh, Emmie Sue, Emmie Sue Emmie Sue." I love it when she says my name. She thanked me for cleaning the house and just said thank you for everything. I'm like "No, thank YOU." and she said something like she just can't believe I've just fallen into her life and I was like "Me too."

She said we have some things to do today and she wants me to clean my apartment, just to tidy it up and take a shower. She asked me if I needed a spanking for motivation and I was like "Duh. But not too hard." So I layed over her lap and she gave my bare some slaps, they stung, but not too bad. Then she was rubbing the bristles of the hairbrush on my bottom and I protestested but she said they wouldn't be too hard, but if I didn't tidy up my room I'd get a real spanking with it. They stung, but they weren't too bad and I relished the burn. Then she pulled up my panties and said she was going to give me 4 really hard ones to motivate me and I was like "No, no, no, no! Please, please, no." OUCH!! Those hurt.

So I've got to tidy up my apartment and take a shower because I sure the heck don't want a real one with that thing. Bye.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Question

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 09:38:43 09/22/24 Sun

My apartment is coming along pretty good. It should pass Shelby's inspection.

I have a question. Do you think she would REALLY give me the kind of spanking she described? I don't think she would. I mean she has given me 2 punishment spankings of sorts, I didn't like them but they really weren't as bad as some of our play spankings. I mean, she's my friend and sometimes lover, so I think she may be exaggerating. You don't think she would really give me a spanking like that, do you?

I gotta get back to work.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Question

Someone Who Knows
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Date Posted: 10:05:25 09/22/24 Sun

Yes I do. She's preparing your little butt and preparing you emotionally for the real thing, and it will happen eventually.

Be a good girl.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Question

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:03:56 09/23/24 Mon

That's not really what I wanted to hear.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking ect.

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 06:01:54 09/23/24 Mon

So my cleaning of my apartment passed inspection, barely. So when I got out of the shower I was surprised to find Shelby in there waiting with a towel. She inspected my body cleaning too. Um, okay...weird. She helped me dry off, took me to the living room and held an outfit that looked something like this. https://hellonella.com/products/school-uniform-girls-jumper-plaid-76
"Ew. I am not wearing that." "Oh yes you are." Need I say I lost the battle. Yuk, I was so embarrassed being out in public like that. We had a few things to do at a few different places and each time I refused to get out of the car. I lost those battles too. I know women my age do actually wear these things, but I'm not one of them and I felt humiliated walking around in public like that.

After my total humiliation we were driving around and pulled up to my professor friend's house. "Um, what are we doing here?" "It's time you see your friend." "I can't. I can't." "You still love her and she is very fond of you. It's time you face her and make amends." I felt sick, like throwing up. I know I acted the fool and I haven't been able to face her since. So in that ridiculous outfit we went up to the door. My heart sank when she opened the door. "Emmie Sue!. So good to see you. Come in." I feel like I took baby steps in the door. "Emmie Sue." and she hugged me. I kind of hugged her too, but I felt like crying or running or something. So I sat in that ridiculous outfit with Shelby and her very nervous. We sat for about an hour maybe and mostly she and Shelby talked and I just kind of sat there with my head down. I didn't know what to do. I still feel so ashamed of my, I guess manipulating her and I'm still kind of mad at her for playing me like that, but I really do miss her and our visits. We set up a meeting in her office like we used to on Wednesday that I'm not real comfortable with. To rub salt in my wounds Shelby said "I assure you she will be there and she will be well behaved or she will be a very regretful young lady." Oh, thanks a lot Shelby. So that's done.

While we were out she said she always wanted to meet my older male friend. I had a much different attitude about that, but I told her only if she didn't embarrass me like she did with my professor friend and she promissed. I asked her if I could change into some jeans, but that got a definite no. I think my friend was in the middle of something and was surprised at our unannounced visit, but he was very cordial and friendly. I think he really liked Shelby. The only thing that made me mad was when Shelby said "She does behave herself and treats you respectfully when she visits, doesn't she?" I could have punched her when she said that but I don't think my friend thought anything of it and said something like "Oh, of course."
In a way I don't really get him. He's had numerous opportunities to make an advance at me, which frankly I wouldn't reject, but he never has. He has rubbed my shoulders and back a little, but it never went past that. I've practically thrown myself at him numerous times, but he acts like it's just another day at the races. He's really, REALLY smart, but I don't think he gets it.
So anyway, we had a great, but short visit with him and when leaving, again I could have punched Shelby in the face (I did punch her arm though) she said "If she's ever any trouble, let me know and I'll take care of it." His reply was "Ah, she's never any trouble." I think, fortunately it just flew right over his head.

We had a light lunch at home and Shelby sort of turned into an animal and went "You look so hot in that outfit." and well,

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking ect.

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 06:09:18 09/23/24 Mon

So I'm supposed to humiliate myself in that outfit at least once a week. At least it paid a benefit yesterday.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking ect.

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 06:16:17 09/24/24 Tue

Not much new to report. My friend came over yesterday after classes. We kissed a little but sadly not much else. She made me really horny though.

When Shelby got home she wasn't in the greatest mood. I thought maybe she needed some lovin' but that didn't go far. I made liver and onions, something I learned from my dad. It's pretty easy, but it does make the kitchen look like a crime scene and given Shelby's mood I made sure it got cleaned up. I wanted to talk and I wanted affection (okay, I wanted attention). When Shelby put her hands on her head and sighed deep and said "You do have an apartment you know." I got the hint. I mean, she wasn't mean and she appreciated my dinner and cleaning and said so, but she had work to do and I got the impression she didn't want me hanging around.

I went up several times to get coffee and I wanted to chat or dance or something but my inner voice told me I had better not. I was craving a warmed bottom and caressing intimacy and I thought about what they call bratting, but it might not turn out like I was hoping. Thea's warning came to mind. She did come down eventually and said clapping her hands (which kind of excited me) "Bed time." It was a little early actually. She took it upon herself to dress me for bed. Picked up my jammie jams and said "These are stinky." and tossed them in my hamper and pulled out that gross Stitch nightshirt and literally changed me. I took my chances and said "Have I been a naughty girl?" I was almost disappointed with her reply. "No. You've been a very good girl and I really appreciate you. No spanking tonight."

I don't know why. I can't explain it but I love a warm bottom from a loving spanking. Not a bad girl spanking but our play spankings, even if they hurt too much. There is just something so intimate about laying across her lap, bare thighs (and other things) rubbing on bare thighs. Knowing that all my privates are in her full view and feeling the air. Knowing that I'm at her mercy, in her control, knowing that she loves me (or at least likes me a lot) and knowing that she's getting off on it and hopefully feeling as intimate as I am. knowing that when that caressing hand comes down it's going to sting. Not knowing if maybe she's a little mad at me. Not knowing how far it's going to go.

Okay, I'm getting carried away. I should probably not go any further with this. I just wanted to express my feelings and it's like in the last 25 or so days, even know I'm not as free as I was a month ago and I have restrictions and boundaries I feel like I've been set free. I'm not Emo, btw, okay maybe I am a little emo and a little goth, Idk. But to answer someones question on another thread so as to not hijack that thread, because I'm a spanko. Because growing up I didn't get spanked but I knew kids did. I didn't have such restrictions and I wanted to know what it was like for your mom to actually punish you. Turned over your mom's knees and getting it done with. If I could explain it, I wouldn't be here. I do have fun. Not sure what type of fun you think I should have.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking ect.

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Date Posted: 18:18:09 09/24/24 Tue

Enjoying your updates Emmie Sue. That dress you had to wear made me smile and the idea/possibility of you getting your first real spanking in that dress is wild. Wonder if that will happen in front of you Professor friend....

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking ect.

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 06:52:26 09/25/24 Wed

I have my appointment with my professor friend. I'm nervous as shit and will probably poop my pants (not really).
I'm late for a class, a spankable offence. Gotta go.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking ect.

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:35:59 09/26/24 Thu

I didn't think I would be but I was late for my first class, but I figure if I don't say anything who's going to know.

I dutifully and obediently went to my appointment with my professor friend. It was pretty tense and awkward. Finally she said "Look, Emmie Sue I'm sorry. I'm sorry I led you on like that. But you so relentlessly pursued it that I felt the only way I could put a stop to it was to give you a reality check and well, scare the shit out of you. It worked out for the best though because it appears that Shelby is giving you the loving discipline you need and crave. I don't think you would have been happy with me because I wouldn't have been as understanding, Not that I don't love you, but I think I think you are much happier with Shelby than you would have been with me." It didn't make anything anymore less tense and awkward, but my visit ended with a great hug and pats on my bottom. And at least I didn't feel like pooping my pants anymore.

I guess you'd call it melancholy. Shelby came down and sat with me. I didn't really have any homework or chores today, so I passed that test. "You were late for class today." I was like "How did you know about that?!" "Word gets around. I'll have to give you a spanking for that." I could tell she wasn't playing, but in a way I was kind of glad to get the crap out of my head. We talked a little about my visit, but she didn't probe much and I really didn't want to talk about it.

She ran out to get us subs and then it was time for my spanking. Over my jeans with her hand. It really wasn't that bad, but it hurt and it was for real. Then she pulled my jeans down for another spanking over my panties. Panty check. Okay look. Weird Shelby hides the toilet paper and I just didn't feel like searching for it. So I got a spanking on my panties. It stung a lot worse than on my jeans, but still not that bed. Then she gave me a bath. That was wonderful, except for the worn out bar of soap up my butt. That burned. She dressed me in my night shirt, gave me melatonin and put me to bed, which gave me warm fuzzies.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking ect.

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 06:18:41 09/26/24 Thu

Just a few minutes ago as Shelby was leaving for work she rubbed my bottom and said "Hows your little bottom?" I was like "It's okay." and she said "I know it wasn't a good day for you to get a real spanking...but I have to be consistent. For me I'm really glad you didn't end up living with her, because...I'm really glad your living with me." Then I guess it got too serious for her and she told me to turn around, looked in my pants and said "Bad girl." and gave me 2 hard slaps on my bottom and told me to be a good girl "No seriously, be a good." I was like blushing going "I will."

So now my bottom is all warm and tingly.

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