Subject: Re: Not Sure About This... |
Author: Mork and Mindy
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Date Posted: 10:58:34 09/22/24 Sun
In reply to:
Aunt Nat
's message, "Not Sure About This..." on 12:08:14 09/19/24 Thu
Hi Aunt Nan,
While I agree you need to be careful I think you have the opening to have lunch, say you've been thinking about her recent thoughts on needing more discipline in her life and you're wondering what she means by that.
One possibility is that she needs, herself, to set specific times to do things and do them then. Set a specific list of things to do in a day and do them. Live a disciplined life, perhaps aided to start by writing down what she was going to do and by when.
Another possibility is if lacking the willpower, motivation, to lead a disciplined life she's thinking of some sort of discipline as in consequences. If so, consequences would then need to be something unwanted, unpleasant, likely imposed by someone else who cared enough to help her and could range all the way from a spanking to time out sitting in a naughty chair. Childish punishments but effective because they are childish.
Then you could say whether she was thinking she needed to have a routine of self discipline, or whether she felt she needed someone to impose consequences of some sort to guide her, you want her to know if she ever wanted your help you'd be honored to help her whatever that might mean, whatever it took.
This, Aunt Nan, puts "S" clearly on the table as a possibility but enough in passing if she chooses to ignore she can. But, I'm betting she might not identify spanking but will say she thinks she needs consequences. In that case you can say, "fine, would you like me to help with that?" I expect she'll say yes.
Your reply should be, "fine, I care a great deal for you and I'd be very glad to help but we'd need to be clear at the outset that I'd be the one to assign consequences although I expect we'd discuss what was needed before I decided. Do you agree?
I'm sure she'll say yes. Then, the next thing you need to say is does she accept that those consequences could include everything from a spanking to sitting in a naughty chair and everything in between?
If she balks at spanking then you say, "why is that? Why wouldn't you agree to be spanked if I thought you needed one?" Regardless of what she gives as a reason you simply say, "Isn't that a reason for .. a reason if needed, it would work well? Remember it's a motivating consequence and from what you say I have to tell you it sounds to me, for you, it might well be THE most motivating consequence available."
Good luck and I hope you'll let us know how it goes,
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