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Subject: Re: Pro spanker or spankee

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Date Posted: 04:59:40 11/05/24 Tue
In reply to: Karin_ven 's message, "Pro spanker or spankee" on 14:21:55 11/03/24 Sun

I never become a pro-spank. Rather the opposite. I don't want any girl having to experience the harsh and humiliating spankings that I got from my parents. So I am indeed anti-spank. Having said that, I am a spanko and love hearing about other women sharing stories how they got spanked and how embarrassing and humiliating it was. Also like to hear, perhaps, how women, young or old, are spanked by their partners until they cry over the knees like babies. Just as I do if I get a punishment spanking from my husband. But I get spankings for pleasure as well and can reach climax from spanking alone with no other stimulation.
But I do get depressed from hearing other mom's sharing how they spank their daughters bare bottom until they howl.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Pro spanker or spankee

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Date Posted: 05:10:12 11/05/24 Tue

What is your relationship with your parents after you moved out? Ever confronted them on how they treated you?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Pro spanker or spankee

JenniAnn to Phil
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Date Posted: 05:18:20 11/05/24 Tue

I never had a good relationship with them after I moved out. The spankings I got burned a scar in my soul that never will disappear. Yes I have tried to confront them but they think I am exaggeriting and says I got spanked just like most girls did, which I know is not true. My sister has a somewhat better relationship with them but she was affected as well.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Pro spanker or spankee

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Date Posted: 05:46:30 11/05/24 Tue

Thank you for the answer. I'm very sorry to hear that. Hope I didn't open wounds and bring bad memories. I have a curious personality and ask a lot of questions. Like you, I'm anti-spanking as well.

Sometimes I read similar stories of people where they go the opposite direction. How they have great relations with their parents, and no personal problems, despite their punishments or even because of it. Cannot say I can always believe them.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Pro spanker or spankee

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Date Posted: 07:12:15 11/05/24 Tue

No worries. I can't gain good stories if I don't share my own. And I don't mind talking about it, actually I think it helps in some ways to talk about it.
I also have difficult to believe all of those claiming how much they benefit they had from being spanked bare bottom by parents. But those who had less severe or less humiliating spankings may experience it differnt of course. I can't tell how I would have felt had I been spanked less severely and felt less humiliation. And I know many were spanked harsher than I did. I only was spanked OTK with hand or hairbrush except from one time one I got it with a birch rod (worst ever!!). I have not experience the belt or paddle or cane from my parents. But they spanked very hard and for long so perhaps end pain was similar.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Pro spanker or spankee

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Date Posted: 05:06:15 11/06/24 Wed

Noticed I replied to myself. It should've been here.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Pro spanker or spankee

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Date Posted: 04:17:36 11/06/24 Wed

Glad you didn't mind, thanks. I agree talking can help in ways. Personally I do not have good stories to share. This wasn't a practice in our family. Which is why it does get uncomfortable sometimes when reading staunch pro spanking advocates. And how this apparently is the solution to most problems. Because whatever problems we might've had, and there were, which is normal. I know for a fact that physical punishment wouldn't have been the answer to them. But I'm not here to argue with people. Just to read and learn.

I searched a birch rod (it brought a bundle of twigs) and it and looks painful. What was it for and why was it used only once?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Pro spanker or spankee

JenniAnn to Phil
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Date Posted: 06:29:24 11/07/24 Thu

The spanking with the birch rod was extremely painful. I have never screamed like that in my entire life. (I was almost 16 at the time). My mom had gotten it when she grew up for serious offences and she suggested that I needed a birching after having participated in bullying another girl at school. So she prepared the birch while dad whipped my bare bottom while I was over his knee. The skin broke at several places on my bottom and I had dark red strips all over. I think they realized it was too harsh so they never used it again.
This occassion was one of very few where I could agree I really deserved a spanking but not like this! This was the only time I also did the so called spanking dance after a spanking. I thought I was going to loose my mind while it was ongoing.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Pro spanker or spankee

Louise Vancisic Vancisic
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Date Posted: 13:43:30 12/01/24 Sun

JenniAnn. What was about your spankings that made you resentful?

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Pro spanker or spankee

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Date Posted: 10:21:30 11/13/24 Wed

Both my parents have gone. But I still catch myself thinking about some of the unfair spankings I received as a child, and wishing I could confront my parent about them.

But I know that whenever I tried to talk to my mother about her spankings when she was alive, she would just say "I don't remember that." I even asked her if she had *any* memories of spanking me *ever*, but she just avoided the question.

My father had no memories of ever spanking me, although he did. He remembered spanking my younger sister, though, who was the strong-willed daughter in contrast to goody-two-shoes me.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Pro spanker or spankee

Ross to JenniAnn
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Date Posted: 17:37:59 11/07/24 Thu

To JenniAnn: Thank you for sharing your story.

You hated the spankings you got from your parents, but you like being punished that way by your husband, crying over the knee like a baby. I understand it can work that way for us spankos, but it's still hard to wrap my head around how something so hated can become desired as an adult.

How do you relate your adult discipline to the spankings you received from your parents? Do you want your husband to take a parental role? Do you feel humiliated when you are punished like you were growing up? Are spankings fair, and do you believe you deserve them when you get them? Do spankings from your husband influence or modify your behavior?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Pro spanker or spankee

JenniAnn to Ross
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Date Posted: 07:35:00 11/08/24 Fri

Hi Ross, good questions, I have difficulties to understand how one can turn something so horrible and hated into something positive. I have read that some psychologists suggest this is one way of trying to overcome a difficult experience like humiliating spankings into something desired. But not only this, my husband plays a big role here. I love him with all my heart and I feel the trust and love from him when he spanks me. Also, this was never a domestic discipline from the start. I have always loved sexual spankings and he spanked me as foreplay since we met. It slowly advanced to harder spankings trying new implements. I started to ask him to spank me hard at times when I felt I needed a good cry, sometimes for something I did but not necessarily. I wanted to lie over his knees and kick and cry. It made me feel better. Then one time when I really had misbehaved, he had had it and took me over his knees and started to spank me hard and long. I felt embarrassed and humiliated but in a positive way. Completely the opposite from how I felt after a parental spanking. After this occassion we both were in agreement that he could spank me as punishment. I hate the sting but I love the feeling afterwards when we cuddle and he is comforting me.
So this is the story of my personal development within spanking.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Pro spanker or spankee

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Date Posted: 18:59:54 11/08/24 Fri

That is very interesting and thank you, JenniAnn. You started your adult relationship with spanking only as a fun sexual activity with your husband. If you don't mind me asking, was he the one to push you into trying it, and you reluctantly found you enjoyed it? In many cases I've seen, if one was abused as a child, it is difficult to trust that spanking can also be a pleasant experience. And even as play, it can bring back unwanted memories. Did you have any inclinations growing up that spanking was special to you, and could possibly be a good thing under the right circumstances? From a very early age, despite my hatred of getting a spanking, I had a strange pleasurable fascination for the idea that I did not understand.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Pro spanker or spankee

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Date Posted: 18:19:47 11/27/24 Wed

Your experience sounds very similar to mine. I was spanked harshly and frequently, often for trivial offenses or really for nothing at all, and it gave me all sorts of complexes and trust issues. I am very anti-spanking for actual discipline as I think it does so much more harm than good. But I definitely am a spanko, probably because that was the coping mechanism I came up with early on to make it all bearable, and I am very pro-spanko.

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