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Date Posted: 17:08:01 10/18/04 Mon
Author: Phamiile - Yukinae ( Kyrusk )
Subject: Glory
In reply to: Torch 's message, "Hm..." on 20:29:15 10/16/04 Sat

Phamiile chooses to stand by himself. Yukinae eases herself closer to him, murring frantically and quietly back in her throat. He loops his arm over her shoulders, trying to calm his racing heart. The Shifter thinks nothing of his nakedness - he was used to going bare, with fur to protect. Slowly, he extends his hand to her, the other one folding across his chest. If she accepted the shake, she would feel a disturbing roiling beneath the skin, like bones and tendons resettling or trying to break loose.

'I-I thank you madame. I am Phamiile, and this is Yukinae. I remember seeing you at the d-dens..' He pauses, coughing weakly. 'I am sorry you d-did not bond. P-perhaps you will next time.' Hazel eyes glance toward Yukinae, who sticks her tongue out, eyes tworling with relief. Phamiile's gaze falls again to his hands, mind numb. 'Please excuse me.. I thank you again for saving me. I don't know quite what happened..'

Phamiile's eyes close and he exhales, searching in him for the latent DNA like he did whenever he Shifted. What he found inside his body caused him to downright scream, hands flying to his head, mad shivers ripping through him. The Kilven resettles her bulk to catch his fall with her warm, comforting flank. The Shifter's fear was chased away for the moment as he clung, shuddering, to the translucent white fur of silk.

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