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Date Posted: 16:39:25 07/04/03 Fri
Author: Heki and Mayah
Subject: Heh heh heh. XD
In reply to: Aduuni, Hashe, Hora, Eliqui 's message, "Nice, nice..." on 08:05:30 07/04/03 Fri

Mayah looks slightly smug as she folds her arms again and grins. "I may not have a Cat's power, but I notice little things... like energy texture, and how it relates to people and places." She shrugs, a falsetto modesty fading her broad grin. Heki's face is solemn once more, his typical thoughtfulish expression returning. Without a word, he hands his spear to Mayah, who rolls her eyes teasingly and throws as much energy as possible into the spear -- when she's done, even the polished wooden haft has wisps of blue light hovering around it, and the two six-inch blades on each end are blizzard-blue. "Efihcuna," the tanned Wolf thanks his cousin as she hands it back.

"Just a thought, Hek', but why don't you keep to Wolf form and I to human? We can both shift quickly enough on this planet. Its atmosphere is not unlike Alasa-Ca in energy concentration." And again Mayah's tidbits of random knowledge turn up. Heki nods in agreement and, spear in hand so that it shifts with him, the well-built young man is replaced by a tall, rangy golden-brown Wolf in a matter of seconds. Mayah vaults to his back and grins, glancing with calculated nonchalance towards Aduuni's technique. "Cat Sword?" she asks casually, tilting her head slightly. Heki grins toothily, the only one who knows how much Mayah would give to be able to pull off a Wolf Sword.

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