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Date Posted: 19:56:10 07/27/03 Sun
Author: Aduuni et crew
Subject: Um... can't help you there. ((OOC: Bad writing after a long, strange day. Sorry. I feel like writing a Noni's Angst piece...))
In reply to: Heki and Mayah 's message, "And just plain arriving..." on 17:16:33 07/27/03 Sun

Aduuni rises to greet the Wolves and slides her sword, the blades free of blood and glittering in the hazy light, back into its sheath. The creatures across the lake are unfamiliar to her, but she can see them in sharp focus. After goggling at them she is forced to say the words she really dislikes saying:
"Honestly, I don't know. I've never seen them or any of their kind before, but they look vaguely equine."
They're not Morollas. Not native to Etreus. Adds Eliqui's mindvoice, this time broadcasting.
Hora helps Hashe run a damage check of a sort, assisting her in checking joints and various energy techniques. Everything seems to be in working order at last.

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