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Date Posted: 17:14:12 08/14/03 Thu
Author: Lifowa and Era
Subject: Let's just pretend the Wolves were dropped off on Alasa-ca... eh-heh. u,u;;
In reply to: Aduuni et crew 's message, "Um... can't help you there. ((OOC: Bad writing after a long, strange day. Sorry. I feel like writing a Noni's Angst piece...))" on 19:56:10 07/27/03 Sun

Curiosity pries the gorgeous red from Matriarch's commanding presence, Era turning a sculpted muzzle towards the Cat Shifters and spinning in a gallop. Lifowa notes her brother's intention and sprints to intercept him; but the racer is far faster than she and slows to a halt within several meters of the strange group of four. Staying on all sixes and looking much like a warped equine or antelope, Era eyeballs the creatures, fiery gaze calculating and almost unnerving in the lack of logic or reason behind it. The small black catches up to him then, having emerged from the forests surrounding the lake, and snorts. A sapphire gaze is levered to the felines and then the Katha bobs her head hesitantly, rearing up to four legs and tucking her forearms to her torso. Now resembling a 'taur in stance, if not body, Lifowa snaps her spike-lined tail at her brother while keeping her eyes on the felines. Era snorts, merely ignoring his sister's admonition and trotting dangerously close to Eliqui. One lean forearm is extended, cloven hoof making a pawing motion in the air near the Olde Phia's snout. Lifowa swears in her mind, ears flattening at the dangerous situation her younger brother just initiated.

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