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Date Posted: 17:12:59 08/02/04 Mon
Author: Seleth
Subject: Huh...
In reply to: Anzu Kohitori 's message, "I'm glad to be able to help! ^-^" on 16:23:04 08/02/04 Mon

The violet femme forces her muscles to relax as time passes and the stranger proves himself to be harmless... for now at any rate. Still, she didn't wish to leave Anzu alone with him, despite having just met both creatures. A quiet sigh is released before the Canis tilts her muzzle up towards the Olashi, watching her a moment to base her own descision upon what choice she made.

It is in this moment that she catches the scent of something, or more likely, some one, that her eyes had not previously witnessed. She choses to respect the creature's privacy, and keeps her gaze where it is for only a second longer, finding the same scent, though far weaker, upon the Olashi's hide.

Slowly she dips her muzzle to the femme... and begins to trot after the departing pair.

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