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Date Posted: 20:17:25 08/02/04 Mon
Author: The Master ( Cerberus )
Subject: No, my dear..
In reply to: Seleth 's message, "Huh..." on 17:12:59 08/02/04 Mon

( Okay, I'm actually changing his character design a little. He's not as old in actuality now, though he appears a little bit older. He hasn't taken over the Trakenite king and he's in his final natural regeneration. Here's a picture. And another is here. )

The Master gives a soft chortle when Anzu asks her innocent question. He shakes his head as he speaks, 'No, no. I possess no incredible powers, my dear.. ?' He trails off as he realises he had not caught her name. 'And what may I call my escort?'

Cerberus is, of course, not paying much attention to Anzu. She seems harmless enough.. in fact, he quite likes the girl. It is the being in the sky that fascinates and puts him on his guard. The circling vulture of a huntress. Somewhere deep inside his unsentient mind there is a hal-submissive respect for that creature, though if she does prove hostile, he will protect his Master. Large, cupped ears splay and the phöörcem angles his feline skull to watch Seleth for a long moment. He listens closely to her natural vibes, deeply inhales her scents. Another sentinel of this new world. Cerberus remains close to his Master, and utters not a sound.

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