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Subject: Re: How hard do they cry, how long do you let them cry?

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Date Posted: 10:12:39 12/31/24 Tue
In reply to: Bridget 's message, "How hard do they cry, how long do you let them cry?" on 09:26:44 12/31/24 Tue


Thank you for bringing this to the forum. I feel sorry for that boy, he is not getting the span kings he needs and is not getting the good healing cry he needs, I take it this was the first time you heard her spank. Maybe you could try and talk to her on how you feel about this.

Anyone I spank comes off my lap with what could be described as either a shiny apple red or tomato red bottom and upper thighs and at times worse. Then after the dance portion we cuddle and they cry it out.

Crying, due to spanking is so very needed and I’m talking real tears and crying, it’s a very needed byproduct of a bare bottom spanking. For the one being spanked the crying is very ‘cathartic’ crying is extremely important. It is not an indication on 'when' to stop spanking, but it is an indication that your message is being received, and most importantly, crying is integral to a spanking because it gives the one being spanked an emotional release which allows for healing, rebirth, and starting anew. I think it has to happen for a spanking to be successful!

Spankings should be unbearable for the child, they should “Hate” our spankings. Any one that I have spanked will be loudly trying to let me know how much it hurts but the words will eventually be garbled and unintelligible, it is just spanking babble. They should come off our laps out of their minds, crying uncontrollably at the tops of their lungs, tears and snot flowing. I also hear the hiccup cries, jumping around doing their best jig, hands glued to their bottoms and madly rubbing their bottoms and upper thighs.

Once I am finished spanking and they are off my lap I will continue to hear the hiccup cries as they are jumping around doing their best jig, hands glued to their bottoms and madly rubbing their bottoms and upper thighs until their minds return and we can see that light go off when it does. I agree with what Cordelia has previously said, I would have done a pretty poor job if the child I spanked had come off my lap and been able to keep his hands off his bottom after I had finished with it.

There is a lot to be said for the after spanking care, To me the post spanking is just as important, they are now contrite. I would and will stay seated while they dance, twirl and madly rub their bottoms and upper thighs, sometimes they would role around on their bed as if they were trying to put a fire out. They will eventually come sit with me and cuddle, sit in my lap or if there is mare then one at a time also by my side cuddling, they all will then cry it out while wiping tears and snot on my shirt, they know all is forgiven and we move on. When they have quieted down and brains fully back we have a talk, we have had some of our best talks post spanking. Of course if its a bedtime spanking, after cuddling they go right to bed and right off to sleep, bare red bottom up.

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Re: How hard do they cry, how long do you let them cry?Sonya10:35:21 12/31/24 Tue

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